Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Praise the Lord... :)

(hit play above & turn on your volume to fully bask in the awesomeness of this post... :) 

There are days in your life which you will never forget.  No matter how God chooses to build one's family...the days in which you meet your child are like no other.  Friday, November 21st at 6:49- I was buying coffee at Common Cents.  I hopped in the car with my 20 ounces of Dark Roast awesomeness.  Got onto interstate and glanced at my phone.  Missed call- uggh, I probably forgot something at the house.  A second look....area code 616.  What?  The only area code I know in the entire nation other than South Dakota- is Michigan.  The only thing I care about in Michigan... is that our agency headquarters are there.  Instinctively, I call her back.  She answers.  My heart is pounding and waiting all at the same time.  The greatest of great news- they have a little girl whom they'd like us to learn more about.  Oh, my goodness!!  Wes is texting me "PRAISE THE LORD- did you get a phone call!!!!".  They actually had called the house first... so Wes got the thrill of seeing the Bethany Caller ID and feeling the knotted freaking out anticipation in your gut when that phone call comes.  I'm calling him, Kaleb's eating a peanut butter with chocolate chip smothered cinnamon waffle and I may or may not have checked my email about 43 times across the next 27 miles driving to school.  In the middle of it all... my sister is trying to call me to discuss spotting scopes at Scheels.  Ha, she had no idea ;)  By a miracle of God, I managed to keep the car on the road all the way to Belle. Dropped off Kaleb at daycare and hauled it up to my classroom.

Wes was still home so the plan was to open the file and pictures at the same time since there was absolutely NO WAY I could make it through the day without peeking!  Computer is loading at what felt like the slooooooooooowessssssssttttttttt possible way.  Computer is finally up and running.  Students start bringing their computerized dolls back.  Ahhh, all I want to do is read about my daughter.  After the first kid, I actually told the kids to just leave the babies in the hallway.  I chopped their wrist bands off at the door and said 'have a great weekend' ;)  Ya, nominate me for teacher of the year I tell ya!  Anyways... I finally found myself locked in my classroom in quiet with Wes on the phone and we learned of our daughter.  She is a chubby cheeked little 15 month old little girl :)  All that, before 8am on a Friday morning.  That's how we roll- or, actually, that's how God rolls.

She is beautiful and precious and lovely and exactly whom God chose for our family.  We can't wait to meet her in person and to have our family together.  Oh, my we are love :)  Kaleb is completely and totally in love with his little sister and very proudly has been confirming with friends, family and sometimes strangers too... that he is a big brother.  These two are going to have a blast together!!!

We've waited what feels like a long time for our daughter to be revealed. We quietly started this journey to welcome home a sibling in January of 2013.   As I sit here, I can now see so clearly how God's timing and plans are again always perfectly orchestrated.  Praise the Lord, indeed.


  1. Tears and Cheers Kim and Wes!! Praising God!!

  2. OH MY GOSH!!! SO SO SO excited for you!!!!!!!!
