Tuesday, August 26, 2014

4 1/2 years and 300 Posts Later...

It is crazy how life slips along when the weeks feel like a merry-go-round spinning too fast but the months sometimes feel like they crawl by.  And then you take a look back at our family journey these past 4 1/2 years which fills up 299 blog posts.  It has definitely been a journey...all ordained and orchestrated by God.  The very beginning...
Then, on the last day before the Ethiopian courts closed for nearly 2 months...
And, then- we were off to bring our boy home...

Ever since, life has been filled with the fun, chaos and blessings of being family.  So many blessings and memories span across these past 299 posts.  What started as a fun way to keep people connected has evolved into a precious family archive as a testimony of God's faithfulness and constant provision.  We are blessed indeed.  Tonight, four and a half years after all of this began...we find our selves again with eager anticipation.  Hope for another one on her way home in God's timing.  Growing anticipation for yet another blessing from God.  This little one has already started storing up her pile of miracles too... we can't wait for the to be revealed.  Thanks for following our journey and adventure of building our family.  We are incredibly grateful for the love, prayers, support and generosity of so many of you.  You truly have no idea what this means to our family.  Go GOD!  

Today, marks 2 months on the waiting list to be matched.  Each day is another day closer :)  The anticipation is starting to build and the hope of meeting her is starting to creep into my thoughts each day.  Most likely we have until sometime this winter to wait before we're matched.  However, God knows our day :)  Please pray for her as I'm pretty sure she's already in an orphanage waiting for us.  Most likely, she has already been born.  So, please pray for her while she waits.  Pray that the nannies love on her, that she stays healthy and for a little joy in each day.  P.S.  Pray that God reveals her soon :)  I really can't wait to start loading up on all things girly pink and floral!!  
Here's to #2 :) 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Bring it ON!

I love summers!!  What's not to love about slow starting mornings, coffee delivered by my rock star husband, spending all day long hanging out with Kaleb and the freedom in  my days to get needed projects done.  I love teaching and typically think my job is a pretty good gig as well.  But, let's be honest- who doesn't love summer.  Most years- I'm a little reluctant to jump back into the up at 5:30, out of the house by 6:35 and on the road heading to daycare while eating breakfast then hauling three bags worth of stuff and a load of laundry to my 3rd floor classroom.  And, that's just getting to my classroom.  Once I open that door- the day of craziness really gets started.
These past few weeks have been different... I just want school to start.  I want it to be fall and to be cold and to wear coats and drive to work on the dark and come home in the dark.  I even wore a sweatshirt to church last Sunday.  I want hoodies and soup.  Why?  Because, if the experts are right- it will be a cool day deep into fall or a crisp winter day when we finally get that phone call about our little girl.  It might be spring, but I'm praying for winter.  And, I can't wait.  Totally can't wait. Ah, the anticipation is starting to grow and build.  Compared to pregnancy, there is so much mystery in the 'expectant' phase of adoption.  How old and what size and which day will she be revealed.  She's already in our hearts and on our minds.  Kaleb's mind too.  He will be an incredible, incredible big brother.  This past week, we some of Kaleb's friends stay for the day.  And, he was completely and totally in love with little Baby "R".  Brought her toys, rolled the ball to her, entertained her and every once in awhile would bend over and kiss her little chubby legs.  At one point, he said "I love Baby R...." then we had a precious little chat about how his little sister is living in China.  But, she will come home to live with us someday.  Today, on the way home from church.  He brought up China again.  Earlier this week, we were in Target and he spotted a globe.  He immediately ran over to it and found Africa then said "my little sister is in China".  The kid is smarter than even I realize sometimes.  We haven't met her but, she is already part of him and we haven't pushed the topic at all.
So, tomorrow is the start of school.  And, I say- Bring IT!!! Because each day we go farther into our wait, we're one day closer to meeting her.  We can't wait!  Until then... here are some last glimpses of summer.  It has been a sweet and precious season indeed :)