Thursday, March 31, 2011

Movin' Past March...

Its so fun to see how and when people are thinking of you, Baby Roth!  This morning, my phone vibrated meaning I had a text.  And, this sweet pic was a great way to start the day off.  My mom and sister are visiting New York this week and they were at Rockefeller Center this morning.  And, they thought to find the Ethiopia flag!!!  How awesome it was so fun to see Grandma Berry-to-be with the Ethiopian flag! 
Today, also means that March is not our month.  Hmmm, kind of a theme here.  I can truly say that I absolutely CAN NOT believe how quickly this spring and school year is flying by.   Thank goodness because it helps to make the waiting go faster.  School is super, incredibly busy right now.  State FCCLA is approaching way too fast and my huge National Boards box is due the day we leave for state FCCLA.  Yikes, I've got more than enough to keep my brain 'occupied' while we sit near the top of the wait list. 
The good news within all of this craziness is that...the yard is turning green, spring showers are definitely here and our days until referral are in fact getting closer!  We did hear from our conference call that referrals are taking about 8-9 months right now for our age range.  This coming week, we'll hit 8 months.  But...(there's always a but, ya know), I'm putting less and less value into these estimates.  You see, when we hit 5 months- referrals were taking 6 months, when we hit 6 months- referrals were taking 7 months, we hit 7 months and now they've been taking 8 months.  So, hmmm, what are the odds that when we hit 8 months...referrals will hit 9 months.  Truly God only knows : ) So, I'll say it again- we sure do hope that April is our month.  Historically, April has been a great month for us.

A year ago tomorrow, we met with our social worker 'just to get some questions answered' because we were still 'deciding'.  Ha, looking back that meeting is a bit comical... we met our social worker in person that day.  We had our little notebook of questions and said 'we really hadn't decided for sure- just trying to make our decision'.  So, we hopped in the car, drove to Taco Johns (which is like 2 blocks away), ordered and sat down.  Actually, we didn't even get sat down when Wes said "I think we should adopt."  And, well- there we had it.  The only question left was, so like can we just go back and tell her we want to start like right now?  We took a deep breath, waited for the weekend to pass and Monday morning I called Renee to say.  Yes- we're in!!  And, oh what a journey its been ever since!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Humming Along...

Just wanted to pass along to everyone that the boards have been full of great news today!!!  So many prayers answered today for many families who have waited a very long time to move onto the next phase of the process.  Thanks everyone for praying for Ethiopia- God's listening!  We're hopeful that the process is starting to find its new rhythm.  It reminds me of the old hymn I've played so many times for church at home...
"To God be the glory, great things He has done..." 
We can't wait to see it all unfold : )

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Isn't it amazing at how precisely and thoroughly God can work on our weaknesses?  Hang out with me for too long and you will know that I can not stand indecision.  I often say, yes or no- doesn't really matter, I just need to know what the plan is.  Ahh, and there's where God has been laughing these last 10 days or so.  I've been saying 'how fast or slow?' to and He's been giving an indecisive answer lately.  We often say that God has the most interesting sense of humor!

We have been in contact with our agency this week.  We haven't learned a whole lot but we do know a few things...
- referrals are still happening (a 6 month old baby boy was matched this week)
- 16 children were matched with families last month.  And, there are only 2 families ahead of us on the discussion boards. 
- new people have been hired within the Ethiopian court office who are now working on the backlog of court cases
- the time between the court date (first trip) and the embassy appointment (second trip) will likely be much longer
- there are rumors of an increase from the number of only processing 5 per day.  But, this is only a rumor!!! 
- God is in control!  That pretty much says it all!

So, we hope this beautiful Saturday morning finds you well.  We're headed to an auction for the day- one of our favorite ways to spend the day together and maybe find a few sweet deals on the cheap.  Please, keep praying for Ethiopia, the children there, the families here and all the decision makers along the way.  Thanks so much for the kind words this week and encouragement! 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Keep it Comin'

(Ethiopian Countryside)

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
- John 16:33

Thank you everyone for praying!!  We just have to keep asking God to deliver hope and life and families for all those Ethiopian kiddos.  God's listening, we've just got to keep talking to Him.  Tonight, I've been reminded of a phrase I tend to tell others quite often- "God won't bail on ya now". 
Time I started listening to myself I think.  Keep those prayers a comin'! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Out the Window...

Well, there’s no simpler way to sum-up this post except to say that adopting is hard and very unpredictable. Oh, how we wish there was good news to share, of stories of a referral, another hopeful video, another tidbit of hope. But, unfortunately, we’re at a point in our adoption journey in which we’ve got to throw all our expectations out the window. And, unfortunately… we need all of you to also throw all those expectations out the window too.

Since we’re people who hate rumors and drama and hype, we’ve refrained from bringing up rumors that have been lingering for the past couple weeks regarding Ethiopian adoptions. However, as it often does, rumors become realities. And, our new reality is that Ethiopian adoptions will be taking significantly longer.  Its not Bethany’s fault. Its decisions within the Ethiopian government and agencies which handle adoptions. The courts will now be reviewing only 5 cases per day. Five kids per day. Not dozens per day.

What we do know- no, we won’t travel before the end of the school year (actually, we already knew that), no we won’t travel this summer, no I can’t count on us being home anytime this year. We quite literally have to throw all our expectations out the window.  Because this information is new, we really don't know much more than this.  We hope to learn more in the next week or so and plan to speak with our social worker to gather more information. 
It breaks our hearts to have to share this information with you our friends and family. It just shatters my heart to think that so many children will sit under-nourished, under-stimulated and further regressing while they wait in orphanages. That’s the really sad part of this whole deal. The kids. The sweet little brown-eyed babies just needing someone to love on them. We really don’t know much more than this. Its really too early to know what this will look like in the long run.

Please, please, please pray for Ethiopia. Pray for God’s guidance in the hearts of those making decisions. Pray for divine intervention. Pray for the children. Pray for the families. Pray for grace.

Monday, March 7, 2011

A little reminder...

Last night I really wasn't worried or bothered, just couldn't sleep.  So, I did what every good waiting adoptive mom does...went blog stalking in the dark of night!!  And, this is what I found- such a sweet reminder of where we're headed.  And, you know what?  Our day is coming, it really, really is : )
P.S. Be sure the volume is on...its a great song but the ending is amazing!
"Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west."- Isaiah 43:5
Home At Last from dan owens on Vimeo.

Thank You Jesus for this sweet reminder! 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

7 Months...

It was 7 months ago today that our paperwork took flight on a plane to Ethiopia and our names were officially 'on the wait list'.  At times, our wait has felt a little like the 7 above...hard, a little worn but we're still there.  Truthfully, if you would have asked me back in October or November what I would be doing in March- I wouldn't have said 'waiting for our referral'.  Last night we stopped by Borders and I noticed a book that most definitely caught my eye.  The title was something like 'When I Make Plans, God Laughs'.  I didn't even have to read it for God to send me a quick little reality check.  I was reminded how quickly we make 'The Plan' and how futile that is.  Try as we may, in all reality we don't have a clue what's going on in the God's grand scheme.  So, here we are- month 7.  What will this bring?  Quite literally, God only knows.  Although we don't know His future is fun sometimes to look back at where He has taken us.   We have a familiar phrase around our house that goes, a year ago today...

Today, our 'a year ago today' story goes something like this-
A year ago today, we had a date night that changed our lives forever.  As Wes drove to Spearfish and I rode along.  In the quietness of our ride, we were both in our own little worlds when Wes said- "So, what do you want to talk about?" I paused for a moment and for once I didn't randomly pick a goofy topic.  Instead I said "I don't know, what do you want to talk about?" To which he responded...
"What about adoption?"
And, my heart literally skipped a beat and it kinda took my breath away.  Why?  Because adoption was on my heart big time!  God had been whispering the calling to adopt into my heart for weeks.  Little did I know that in those same weeks, God too was further opening Wes' heart and mind to the idea of adopting as well.
So, it was at Applebee's a year ago tonight that our adoption un-officially began.  It was a night of what-ifs and how's and could we's.... of questions and soul-searching and prayer. A year ago yesterday, our path to parenthood was lookin' kinda dim.  A year ago tonight, God lifted the lantern and revealed a glimpse of what our future may look like.  It's been an adventure ever since and I'm sure, the best is yet to come!!