Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Speed Bump...

Hey, everyone- sorry its been so long since an update. June has been a quietly busy month. Adoption wise, we've basically completed our dossier (huge paperwork packet for Ethiopia) and have completed our immigration biometrics appointment. However, we were notified that our homestudy was missing information and the immigration government employee, could not approve our I-600 until we got it fixed. So, after two revisions by our social worker (who is incredibly patient) we believe its taken care of. Yesterday I sent it the homestudy back to the immigration office, used overnight delivery and it literally should be to her as I type this right now. We are praying and hoping that the new homestudy meets the criteria she is looking for.
Assuming it gets the 'ok' then, she'll send back our approval. We'll get all of our documents signed, take them to Pierre to get state seals and then we'll hand everything over to Bethany. Ahhh, we're getting closer.
In the meantime, we've had a busy week with Wes' parents here. They were SUPER helpful in getting the deck re-stained, did some yard work and it was just just fun having them here!!! Its been a great time. Today...we're off to go camping with the Berry side of the family at the fabulous Farm Island! Can't wait- smores, naps, reading, fishing, Zestos icecream, grilling and lots of good times ahead. Pictures to come after our fun weekend : )

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

An Invite from Immigration!

That's right- we have our biometrics appointment with US Immigration! I checked the mail today and was shocked to see three little envelopes from the USCIS. So, Thursday June 11th at 9am we'll get our biometrics taken care of in Rapid City.

What does this do you ask? Well, after our appointment next Thursday, they'll then do background checks and then send us an approval form stating that we have been granted permission to bring a child into the United States. So, now- we've got to get our Dossier paperwork done quickly so that as soon as our USCIS approval arrives, everything is ready to send to Ethiopia!!! Wow- this is going crazy fast but we love every minute of it!!