Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February Fun...

February was filled with lots of traveling and meetings for Mom.  Our daycare situation finally fell together and it seemed like Kaleb spent the month crawling all over the place.  Before long, he was pulling himself up and scooting between the furniture.  His absolute favorite thing... the card board box his seat base came in and the diaper box.  The perfect walker- big wide base and just enough traction to help that slow walker move along.  

 And, sometimes- he'd be brave enough to let go.  
 Discovering the Dishwasher- LOVE!  
 Ohhh, I love my Retro Rocket
And, as Mom and Dad were trying to get ready for a fancy dinner for work... 
suddenly Mr. Kaleb took off for the stairs.  This definitely earned an 'oooh' from the kid.  

Monday, February 20, 2012

First Snow!

President's Weekend brought our first real snow since Kaleb was 'big' enough to really enjoy it.  We've had the strangest and most mild winter- which is just bizarre considering we live in western South Dakota.  Seriously, very strange to only have one good snow since the first of the year!  
 But, we made the most of it!!  Kaleb's first sledding adventure.... 
 Ohhh, this is fun :)  
 I can eat it too- its like water but really, really cold!

 Sledding by to say 'hi' to Rascal our awesomely cute dwarf lop-eared rabbit.  
 And, even better than snow- Auntie Ashley and Justin were in town for the weekend.  So, we got to hang out and play in the snow together.  Always love having them here! 

 Weeeeeeeeeee :) 
 What an awesome Dad... pulling me in the snow, 'round and 'round and 'round.  
Love having them out for a visit- so much fun!