Monday, December 31, 2012

Wrapping Up Christmas...

If Christmas is a season... then, we're well seasoned!  This weekend, we wrapped up the final Christmas gathering of the year... #5 of 5.  Not bad, I'd say.  We're pretty sure that Kaleb thinks that every third day we celebrate another birthday.  We've celebrated in Laramie, Greeley, Philip (with extended family), Sturgis and back at the Ranch again.  It has been a lot of fun spending so much time with family!  Pictures tell the story best, so here we go...
Christmas #3: Christmas Weekend at Home
 Kaleb made scrambled eggs for breakfast. 
 Followed by watch the classic "Christmas Carol". 
 That evening, a quick but very, very worthwhile trip to the living Nativity.  So thankful to have this opportunity as a family tradition. 
 Kaleb with his favorite girls at church ;)
 Discovering the presents under the tree. 
 Finally finished up our long overdue hand print craft. 
 Decorated a gingerbread house :)

 Stuffed ourselves on caramel popcorn :) 
 Opened presents...yes, we are crazy and bought him a drum.  The kid absolutely LOVES music!
Christmas #4: Ranch with the Berry extended family.   
 Here's part of the gang...
 Then, of course we had to make a trip to the barn to check on Patches. 
 And, we had our 1st real long pony ride on Christmas Day 2012.  Made a loop around the yard and partly down the hill.  Only one near buck-off.  That banana bread was so totally worth it!! 
 More presents from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa- they got me a toy horse :) 
 Then, we came home and pretended to 'sleep' and 'snore'. 
Because all this fun is exhausting!!  And, we knew that Christmas #5 was just around the corner. 
 Christmas #5- The Berry's at the Ranch
(this time Auntie Ashley and Justin we off work)
We sang Happy Birthday to Baby Jesus.  And, Kaleb blew out the candle.  It was an extremely comical event that I'm sure none of us will ever forget. 
 Then, it was time for more presents.... again :)
Grandpa picked out this cool tractor, its the same color as his too!
Kaleb was so excited he was sitting on it most of the time Uncle Ryon was trying to assemble it.  Way to be helpful kiddo!
What do you do when you have a new stick horse and a new tractor....?
 You improvise- ride 'em both!
We had a family coloring party too... it was fun!
 And, we helped feed the cows. 

 Ahh, this is the life!

Merry Christmas, everyone!  We're incredibly blessed and have had a wonderful season of celebration.  Thanks to all our family and friends for loving on us and being a part of 'us'. 
God Bless

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tis a (Crazy Good) Season...

Our life is busy and crazy and it seems like the ‘plateau’ of craziness is always around the corner.  But, we never quite get there.  A big part of this has been what has turned into Kaleb’s constant ‘crud’.  It started over hunting weekend in November.  We learned that Monday that he had a para influenza virus (and the croup)  and we spent the week at home.  We skipped our Thanksgiving plans L  Instead of buying gas to visit family… we bought a nebulizer.  Thankfully, Kaleb takes his medicine like a champ and didn’t mind the nebulizer too much.  Since then, we’ve been on a constant up and  down of a nasty cold, cough and fevers.  This past week, his coupe cough was getting worse again.  So, back to the doctor again.  This time, the high powered steroid shot to get those airways opening up allowing him to finally get over this crud.  And, since there was still an ear infection- another round of good old amoxicillin.  Good news- he’s starting to really, truly act like himself again.  Good thing, because we’ve got lots of Christmas going on! 

This weekend, we took off on a road trip adventure to visit the Roths for Christmas’ #1 and #2 .  LOTS and LOTS of fun!!  First stop was to see Grandma and Grandpa Roth.  Kaleb absolutely loved playing with his new microwave, playing the cymbals and doing flips with Grandma’s walker.  It was so great seeing them.  Here are some pics of all the fun… 

 Our legit, Little Drummer Boy! 

 Rockin' Roths
(World Premiere Performance) 
Bob Roth- Tamborine
Bonnie Roth- Triangle & Vocals
Kaleb Roth- Clanging Cymbals
 His beloved, new microwave!!
 And, a shhh, don't tell Grandpa Berry-  John Deere tractor.  
The best part, it even has the signature 'has a tough time rolling over' chug of a start. 
 Opening presents with Dad's help!
 Watching Charotte's Web with Grandma. 
 Hanging out with Mom :) 
And, look what Santa dropped off early for Wes!! : ) 

Then, we loaded up and headed to hang out with the RJNANS!  Cousins and Uncle Ryan and Auntie Jennifer- oh, how fun.  And, their house has two dogs.  What more could this kid ask for?  We had a great time hanging out, opening Christmas presents and watching a little football.  Kaleb basically spent the entire time chasing the dogs, chasing the big kids and playing on their cool electronic toys.  Check out the fun…. 

 All the cousins together!

 These days, joy comes in the form of a new fully functioning microwave! 
 The guys in their matching #18 jersey shirts. 
 Mac N Cheese...nothing beats it!
 His favorite task in life... cooking.  Its extra fun with Auntie Jennifer and Sarabeth! 

                                 Christmas is coming my friends!  Kick back, relax and enjoy.

Friday, November 30, 2012

A West River Holiday

If you were born in West River, you already know what three day  'holiday' falls between Halloween and before Thanksgiving.  That's right- deer season!  Families gather, tables are loaded full of food and we celebrate the traditions of generations past.  Or, something like that anyways.  Here's a quick catch up look at our weekend.  It was fun, lots and lots of fun!  

 1st Tractor Ride with Grandpa

 Riding Patches for the 1st time :)
Fixing water tanks with Grandpa. 
 Checking on Patches one last time... because she is sweet :)

 And, helping Grandpa go get his really, really big Mule deer buck. 
 And, then he drove us home.  
His shifting was a little rough but, he definitely knew what he was doing! 

Grandma, Uncle RyRy, Auntie Ashley and Justin also joined in the fun too.  

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks...

My "Month of Thanks" List...
(I'm doing it all at once because, well, you see- life is crazy) 

1.  My God 
The one and only God.  Wow- He does amazing things :) 

2. My Husband.  
You sir, are a rock star.  A most blessed surprise I never saw coming.  For making sure I've 'got everything'.  For coffee money and always listening to my crazy ideas :) 
3.  My Kaleb.  
God knew we needed each other and I am so thrilled to be your mom.  
What a profound blessing you are in our lives! 
4. My Dad.  
Oh, the lessons I've learned from this man.  
And, the crazy wacky adventures we've shared in our farmin' and ranchin' days.  
5. My Mom.  
Thanks for all you do!!  Wow, you're an amazing Mom, 
Grandma, teacher, cook, and lots, lots more!  
You've taught me how to 'do life'.  Thanks! 
Fröhliche Danksagung’
6. My Brother... Ryon
For our hunting adventures.  Random phone calls and your vision for always improving 'things'.   
Kaleb says 'hi Uncle RyRy'  :)  
7. My Sister... Ashley
Best Road Trip Buddy in the WORLD!  Heart of gold.  
Awesome Auntie and fabulous friend.  You are simply lovely :)   
8.  Grandma & Grandpa
Quiet faithfulness in God.  And, a good dose of fun along the way.  
I'll never forget Grandma's packed lunches & Grandpa's prayers before meal time.  
 9.  Grandma Kozitka
Strength and Courage to raise 11 kids on her own.  
Oh, ya- and, a dairy farm to.  

My Family-in-Love.  
10. Bob & Bonnie 
For welcoming me.  For raising a great guy who I got to marry.  
And, for always lovin' on us and sweet encouragement.  
11. Ryan & Jennifer 
Tough as nails, you two are.  
Four kids, a run with cancer, two full time jobs and lots of crazy in between.  
You pull it off with style and still have lots of fun along the way.  
12. NANS
Thankful for Cousin Week 2012.  Can't wait to have you next summer!  
You're all awesome :)  

13.  Our big ole' extended family.  
Altogether that includes... 
16 Uncles
16 Aunts
37 Cousins
and, 23 second cousins for Mr. Kaleb.  
 Praise the Lord for all 92 of you :) 

And, now... for some of the random things in life I'm super thankful for... 
(in absolutely no coordinated order at all!) 

14.  Common Cents Coffee.  
It gets me there.  Every morning and that makes me happy inside.

15.  Hot Showers 
Because not everyone has them.  
And, they make my brain happy every morning.

16.  An amazing church... Hills View- we love you! 

17.  Our Friends
Although our times together are few and far between it seems... 
you're all quite remarkable!  

18.  Trips to the Ranch 
Nothing beats fresh air, dirt on the boots and checking cows.

19.  Washer and Dryer
... my goodness, how did those woman do it. 

20.  Our Home  
Its warm and cozy and filled full of lots of love.  
We have a lot of fun here, I tell ya! 

21.   The Little Things
Tickle wars on the couch.  Blown kisses from Kaleb.  
Homemade buttered popcorn.  
Singing knees & toes.  

22. God's Plan 
Four years ago I would have NEVER, EVER imagined where/how God 
had the next few years laid out.   Talk about 180's and piles of blessings. Wow. Wow! 

God Bless & Happy Thanksgiving! 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Welcome November!! : )

We made it to November.  And, if you've managed to catch up with us this past month... you'd totally understand why we feel like we've just finished a marathon length three-legged race.  If it doesn't get too exhausting...I'll  try recollecting all the 'fun and adventures' of October 2012.  We started the month with our 1st Family Day and we knew that from there on out, it was going to be a crazy busy month.  And, we were right.  Kim had trips to Chamberlain then Huron all in one week.  Chamberlain to be recognized for my National Board Certification and Huron for FCCLA.  Wes was (as usual) AMAZING!  Between the trips on the one day (Saturday) home between all the driving... we had our 1st family photos!

They turned out great and thanks so much HH Photography!  

That same day- we were incredibly blessed to welcome home this sweet little Ethiopian princess.

nothing compares to an airport welcome home... 

Oh, how we have prayed and believed and prayed and hoped and prayed for that day to finally happen.  She is beautiful and is an amazing answer to prayer.  That part of the day really, really reminded me that God never forgets about us.  He rescues the needy.  And, he brings joy after times of quiet.  It was amazing to witness the homecoming and uniting of a family.  A family that God created and orchestrated.  I think it is even more emotional to watch having been there in those shoes with those emotions before while knowing the joy and blessings which are just beginning.

And... I might have whispered in Kaleb ear something about how they'll look great together at prom and/or their wedding someday down the road ;)  

By the time we got home that night... we discovered Kaleb had a fever.  A fever of 102- yuck.  Within a few days, he started breaking out in this weird bumpy rash.  Roseolla, it was.  Had never heard of it but it quickly explained the 4-5 days of sudden fevers.  His bumps came back again last week but, thankfully are going away with some prescription cream.

Other fun fillers we've had this month include... still running the volleyball concessions (I sold 30lbs of popcorn seed last night alone) during the week, a VB Saturday Tournament, organizing our church Operation Christmas Child project, getting lots and lots of dangling house projects done, cleaned the carpets, purged the closets and a quick but super, super nasty bout of food poisoning for Kim.  I will never, ever eat store bought spinach dip again.  Enough said.  Wes made a trip to Colorado to be with his brother who is recovering from his recent surgery related to his colorectal cancer.  The BEST news of the month- the chemo, the radiation, the surgery and prayers were successful!  Go God!  Go Ryan!

And, now its November.  And, we are excited for November because it means that the calendar is still full but not nearly as psycho, crazy busy.  It means that maybe I'll get crazy and you know... cook.  And, fold the laundry this month (maybe).  It also means that within a few weekends it'll be Thanksgiving with family and suddenly Christmas will be here.  And, before we know it we'll have turned the corner on winter.

I'll leave you with one last picture... 
This is how my guys fell asleep the other night- literally, collapsing in a heap on top of each other.  
Have a good one... I'm off to bake my rock star husband some long, long over due chocolate chip cookies!