Our little man is 14 months old, crazy but true. Life with a 14 month old is loads of fun. He sleeps through the night. We're no longer buying baby formula and everyday holds lots to discover. Just so we don't forget....
- He LOVES American Idol!!! He will just sit there mesmerized in awe then all of a sudden break out in wild crazy dancing. Jumpin' and shakin' and hands in the air. So fun to watch!
- He loves his bath-time even more than music which says ALOT! We say the word 'bath' and all food is dropped, toys are ditched and he's off and running to the 'baf'. He could play there all day. His latest thing is discovering how to dip his ears into the water. Most kids are freaked out by their ears getting wet. Not this kid- that's his new challenge.
- He can detect that the bathroom door is open in approximately 1/1000 of a second. At the rate he runs these days, we have about 1/10 of a second to beat him to the coveted bathroom.
- Crawling on top of his radio flyer retro-rocket while pushing the buttons is quite fun!
- Climbing into is lots of fun too :)
- The rocking chair is especially useful when climbed onto then used to look out the window while dancing... sometimes with no hands. He's only fallen 1 time. The kid very, very seldom wipes out no matter what he's
- Can climb the stairs in about 30 seconds. Especially in the morning when he knows that Dad is upstairs getting ready. The rest of the day- not overly exciting to him.
- Wandering through the kitchen with a mixing bowl on our head is loads of fun- Kaleb says try it, you'll see :)
- Amazed at the things he's willing to eat. Last night we shared my chow mien at the mall. Raviolis are still the all-time favorite however.
Kim, He is sooo big! I can't wait to hang out with you guys sometime...or babysit for you :) He looks like loads of fun!!