We've just returned from a wonderful, fun, exhausting and incredibly blessed week of vacation with the Roths! It was a great time of playing in the ocean, visiting the zoo, hanging out together and relaxing. We stayed that this awesome beach house....
We were on the bay side which was great because it was much quieter, safer and the water was nice and calm for the Little Man....
Sometimes you find something so wonderful you just want to roll around in it... :)
Dad is leading the discover- oh, so much fun!

The next day, we went to the 'real ocean' which was just a few blocks away. It was so incredibly fun watching Kaleb discover that the ocean is water which really makes it one huge BATH!!! You could see it suddenly click and then it was a full-on sprint to the water.

Oh, boy... here we go!
The kid has no fear of water- he absolutely LOVES it! The saltiness of it didn't phase him a bit- he was just thrilled to have discovered the huge bath. Fun, fun, fun- I tell ya'!

One of my favorite pictures of the week... our little guy playing in the sand just soaking it all up.
We also rode our 1st carousel- which he loved once he believed me he wouldn't fall off.
It got a big 'oooohhhh' outta the kid!
And, we learned about video games... lots of fun! He had a blast playing with Than which basically involved cheering (yelling) and dancing wildly then randomly (when Than wasn't expecting it) hit a button which would frequently cause Than to 'die'. Then the real giggling, dancing and craziness would begin.
We went to the San Diego Zoo too...
We rode the tram back across the zoo- Kaleb loved it best when at the front so he could see all the way down below. Definitely got a BIG Ohhh :)
And, we watched a show at the zoo too. Grandma and Noah sat with us at the very top. His favorite part was when three big colorful parrots flew right over our heads. Little Man very much loves birds!

We had a wonderful time together with family. Lots of memories that weren't even caught in picture form too. Like all five of the Roth grandkids playing football on the lawn in front of the house. Kaleb was hysterical chasing the 'big kids', laughing with them rolling in the grass and tackling the football.
Ohh, and we also celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary! We celebrated with dinner at Joe's Crab Shack having our standard coconut shrimp. Then the best part... we ordered the Smores dessert to go. Ate it on the beach watching the sunset....wonderfulness I tell you! :) We've packed a lot into these three years and we can't wait to see what the next year brings. As we like to say "Go God"!
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