Sunday, November 6, 2011

Orphan Sunday

"Orphans are easier to ignore before...
You know their name.
 {D. Abera}
 They are easier to ignore...
before you see their faces.

(Kaleb's Referral Picture)  
It is easier to pretend that they are not real...
(first family picture- just minutes after meeting)
until you hold them in your arms. 
But once you do....
(the handoff at Kaleb's goodbye ceremony at the orphanage)
  everything changes."
 - David Platt

Orphan Sunday...
Today is Orphan Sunday. 
A day to recognize the plight of over 160 million children in our world. 
Just writing that breaks my heart. 160. Million.  Seriously? 
(Sometimes UNICEF says there is closer to 210 million)
Children whose world does not include a mother and/or a father. 
Or, someone to cuddle him to sleep.
No mother to provide nourishment or father to pray over him.
They live in the streets. 
They go to bed hungry.
Or, languish away...out of sight, out of mind.
There are so many, so many that will never be rescued. 

In Ethiopia alone, there are over 6 million orphans.
That's like, Chicago, Houston and Philadelphia with zero adults-
 only babies & children without moms and dads. 

Satistically, every 10th Ethiopian babies will not live to her 1st Birthday.
Every sixth baby born, will not celebrate his 5th birthday. 

Did you know...
That if 6% of those who claim to be 'born again Christians' adopted...
all the world's adoptable orphans would be in homes with families. 

Seriously, like 6%. 
 Yet, we as Christians (who have been adopted by our Lord and Savior ) can't get it done. 

Sometimes, things like this just seem too big.  Just too big. 
But (and there's always a 'but')...
it's really just like the old joke about how to eat an elephant. 
One bite at a time.

I think alot of times, people see adoption as this messy, scary 'thing'. 
Reality involves homework and (at times) heartbreaking wait. 
Throughout our journey,
I've come to realize it really wasn't about us saying 'yes' to a child. 
It was about God saying 'GO'

Has God been saying "GO"? 
Because if He has been...will you listen, because He needs you. 
Those kiddos need you

But, if God hasn't been saying 'GO'...
Then, maybe you're part of the other 94% of born again Christians who are called to 'look after the widows and orphans' according to James 1:27. 
Sponsor a child.  Pray for adoptive families.  Give when God calls. 

Go to where God has called you. 
However it is He calls you to 'look after' those orphans. 
Please listen and don't just say...oh, well,
I just don't know. 
I guess someday,
maybe I'd like to,

If God's saying 'GO' sit down and make a list of 'reasons why not to adopt'...
(ignore the 'how'- God will take care of that) see how long that one turns out to be. 

Trust me, they'll thank you in more ways than you'll ever imagine. 

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