Monday, November 14, 2011

America's Newest Citizen!

Today when I checked the mail... there was a large envelope addressed our little guy.  So, tonight after dinner, we opened it.  And, inside- was his Certificate of Citizenship of the United States of America.  It is simply precious with his little picture on it. 
 Its frame worthy I tell ya! 

 So, tonight we celebrated with some pictures and the adorable cake that LeeAnn made for our shower this weekend.  We were going to save it for his 1st birthday but...decided to celebrate America's newest (and cutest) citizen instead. 
The cake was incredibly yummy too (chocolate chocolate chip)! 
God Bless America and our new little American! 


  1. So adorable and he looks like he is saying "Yeah, I am proud to be an American".

  2. What a blessed family you all are. As well as thankful and God loving. You've made the world a better place with your faith and actions, and a truly gifted life for your child. May people of all faiths read your story and reach out their hands and hearts a little more, may we realize the beauty of life and treasure every moment with all our blessings. And may we all stop to help one another be it a million miles away as with your journey or right in our own backyard. God bless us, everyone.
