Tuesday, November 22, 2011

8 Months Old :)

Today, our little man is officially 8 months old.  As I type, Wes and Kaleb and laying on the floor chattering away at each other while playing with his goofy stuffed frog.  We often call him 'the little man' because he's already really becoming quite the guy.  So we don't forget... here's what the 8th month looks like in the life of Kaleb-
- At the Dr. appointment last week, he weighted 16lbs 11ounces and still is about 25.5 inches long. 
- Recently, we've decided we like milk better than cereal.
- He can consistantly and reliably sit on his own.  We still put a blanket around/behind him because he will suddenly decide he'd rather lay down to reach a toy so just flops backwards to further enable his ability to migrate. 
- We have discovered shadows, including how to make them.  It was very cool watching him learn how to make and control the shadows on the wall by moving his arms however he pleased.  Ohhh, it was very entertaining for both him- and myself!! 
-  He understands that reflection in windows and mirrors are the people in the room.  He will look back and forth then smile and ponder the whole concept of what he is seeing.  Quite interesting to watch, I tell ya!
-  He can recognize Mom and Dad in pictures throughout the house- squeals and giggles with joy when he sees pictures of us.  He'll look at it for a moment then just break out giggling, totally precious!!
- Home is his favorite place to be.  We'll come home from church or a quick trip to run errands and he'll simply go crazy with happiness simply kicking and rolling on the floor while telling us 'stories' about his day. 
-  We're finding our groove with this sleeping at night thing.  If we can keep him up past 9pm... the odds are really, really good he'll sleep till after 5am sometime.  Praise the LORD!!!
- He can bring himself to a standing position very easily if someone balances him.  What a remarkable change this has been during the past month!! 
- Wes and Kaleb have 'mens breakfast' each morning at about 5:15-6:45.  Its their play time and lets Mom sleep in a little. 
- My favorite time of the day is when Wes brings Kaleb upstairs at about 6:45.  Kaleb snuggles into the covers then tells me (in baby babble) about all the fun him and dad just had in their morning play session.  Then, Kaleb instigates a little peek-a-boo with the covers and we laugh and chatter and coo.  Oh, my we are blessed to have this little boy in our lives.  Thank You Jesus!!!

And, now for some pictures because that's what we all really, really want anyways...

 Our good friends at the Bethany office gifted us with Kaleb's first Bible.  What a special blessing that the agency which brought us together chose God's work as their means of welcoming him home. 
 You can't see it necessarily but... Kaleb loved watching his first real snow.  It came down in big fluffy snowflakes which was lots of fun to watch.  We ended up with about 7 inches last weekend.  Winter is finally here!
 Love sitting up and playing on our blanket Great Aunt Janice won at bingo : )
 And, Kaleb cheered on those lucky Broncos this past weekend.  Dad loves the Broncos but Mom likes to remind him that the Packers are currently 10-0.... 
 hmmm, I wonder if they sell baby cheese heads?   
Happy 8 Months Old Little Man- We LOVE YOU : )  

Monday, November 14, 2011

America's Newest Citizen!

Today when I checked the mail... there was a large envelope addressed our little guy.  So, tonight after dinner, we opened it.  And, inside- was his Certificate of Citizenship of the United States of America.  It is simply precious with his little picture on it. 
 Its frame worthy I tell ya! 

 So, tonight we celebrated with some pictures and the adorable cake that LeeAnn made for our shower this weekend.  We were going to save it for his 1st birthday but...decided to celebrate America's newest (and cutest) citizen instead. 
The cake was incredibly yummy too (chocolate chocolate chip)! 
God Bless America and our new little American! 

Fun Times...

So many times throughout this journey of adopting and now parenting... we've been blessed beyond what we could have imagined to be possible.  This weekend, was a great example of that!  We went to my hometown for a shower and to see family/friends from all over the place.  Family from Minnesota drove a long, long ways to come meet Kaleb.  Friends from across the countryside (literally) gathered together to meet the one they've prayed for and to bless us with so many generous and wonderful gifts.  He'll be one stylin' kid for a long, long time!!  I'm pretty sure we'll have to go somewhere everyday just so we can make sure all those outfits get broke in :)  
Here's a look at Kaleb's week....(more shower pics if/when I can get a copy).  
 The load of fun stuff from my party this weekend!  THANK YOU- everyone :)
P.S. Mom- car rides make me cry. 
But, at least you make it 'ok' when you crank up the radio- it helps me forget to cry. 
 Auntie Ashley and me of course! 
 Roths Unite... Randy and Cheryl stopped by to visit.  Such sweet people :)
 Grandpa finally got to introduce me to 'kitty-cat'...oh, this could be fun!
 The Great Aunties loved on me lots and Kate thinks I'm just adorable :) 
 Earlier this week... I pretty much mastered the art of sitting up on my own.  I'm even better at it now.  Sometimes I wobbled over but, I just smile and roll on my tummy. 
 Ohh, and I can stand now too.  A month ago, I would just curl my legs like a little newborn baby.  Now, my legs are tools and they're gonna get me where I want to go.
 Playing airplane baby... lots of fun. 
 I like to sputter.  Sometimes, I sputter so much that Mom calls me 'Rabies Baby' because I guess I end up foaming at the mouth.  Oh, but it is so much fun.  This weekend, I challenged all the Great Aunties and none of them can keep up with my sputtering! 
 Playing is hard work.  And, sometimes when Mom sneaks to the another room for just a minute- I just giraffe and fall asleep.  Life is good : ) 

Also this week...
I've learned to recognize Mom and Dad in pictures.  During the day, I'll see Dad's picture in the frame in the kitchen and I just giggle and smile and kick my legs.  He is awesome : ) 
Last Tuesday, for the first time, I saw Dad actually walk out the door to work in the morning.  And, I cried (alot) because I knew he was leaving and I didn't like that. 

As of this morning (Monday) I can officially sit on my own!!  Mom has declared it. 

Hope you all have a blessed and fun week.  We're going to recover from our fun weekend and spend the week playing with our new toys : )  Thanks everyone!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Orphan Sunday

"Orphans are easier to ignore before...
You know their name.
 {D. Abera}
 They are easier to ignore...
before you see their faces.

(Kaleb's Referral Picture)  
It is easier to pretend that they are not real...
(first family picture- just minutes after meeting)
until you hold them in your arms. 
But once you do....
(the handoff at Kaleb's goodbye ceremony at the orphanage)
  everything changes."
 - David Platt

Orphan Sunday...
Today is Orphan Sunday. 
A day to recognize the plight of over 160 million children in our world. 
Just writing that breaks my heart. 160. Million.  Seriously? 
(Sometimes UNICEF says there is closer to 210 million)
Children whose world does not include a mother and/or a father. 
Or, someone to cuddle him to sleep.
No mother to provide nourishment or father to pray over him.
They live in the streets. 
They go to bed hungry.
Or, languish away...out of sight, out of mind.
There are so many, so many that will never be rescued. 

In Ethiopia alone, there are over 6 million orphans.
That's like, Chicago, Houston and Philadelphia with zero adults-
 only babies & children without moms and dads. 

Satistically, every 10th Ethiopian babies will not live to her 1st Birthday.
Every sixth baby born, will not celebrate his 5th birthday. 

Did you know...
That if 6% of those who claim to be 'born again Christians' adopted...
all the world's adoptable orphans would be in homes with families. 

Seriously, like 6%. 
 Yet, we as Christians (who have been adopted by our Lord and Savior ) can't get it done. 

Sometimes, things like this just seem too big.  Just too big. 
But (and there's always a 'but')...
it's really just like the old joke about how to eat an elephant. 
One bite at a time.

I think alot of times, people see adoption as this messy, scary 'thing'. 
Reality is...it involves homework and (at times) heartbreaking wait. 
Throughout our journey,
I've come to realize it really wasn't about us saying 'yes' to a child. 
It was about God saying 'GO'

Has God been saying "GO"? 
Because if He has been...will you listen, because He needs you. 
Those kiddos need you

But, if God hasn't been saying 'GO'...
Then, maybe you're part of the other 94% of born again Christians who are called to 'look after the widows and orphans' according to James 1:27. 
Sponsor a child.  Pray for adoptive families.  Give when God calls. 

Go to where God has called you. 
However it is He calls you to 'look after' those orphans. 
Please listen and don't just say...oh, well,
I just don't know. 
I guess someday,
maybe I'd like to,

If God's saying 'GO' sit down and make a list of 'reasons why not to adopt'...
(ignore the 'how'- God will take care of that) see how long that one turns out to be. 

Trust me, they'll thank you in more ways than you'll ever imagine.