Merry Christmas Week! Wow, its been awhile since an update but... here we are. And, actually we've had lots of good reasons for not having time to update the blog. We have had a month of family. What a wonderful thing to have had filled our days : ) Let's start where we left off...

Wes and the nearly complete new, clean, deep soaker tub and surround!!!
And... the final product-
But, Christmas wasn't over yet- actually, it officially started about 7 minutes later. Christmas Day was a special one in many ways. After stockings, we loaded up and headed to church. A car load of Berrys had driven up for church and a day of Christmas celebrations! So, together we, the Berrys and the Roths came together for Christmas morning church and- Kaleb's baby dedication! We are so thankful and blessed to have strong families to come along side us as we raise our little man. Also, BIG thanks to our church family for always being there for us as well! The bonus surprise- our dear friends Meghan and Jon were in town from Virginia so were able to be there for his dedication as well!!! Go GOD : )
Thanksgiving- we traveled to Philip for a big ole' fashioned Thanksgiving Dinner at the ranch. It was wonderful time with 23 of 25 there for the big turkey dinner. Mom traveled to see her mom (Kaleb's Great Grandma Kozitka) so, I cooked the meal; we used Mom and Dad's house and Ryon pitched with the groceries. Wes helped when he wasn't playing with Kaleb and making sure he stayed happy as a clam. We had a wonderful time catching up with everyone. Donna and Katie stayed late to play cards. Ray, Carla and the kids stayed overnight at Mom and Dad's too. It was lots of fun having more time to catch up and we are so excited they now live closer : ) We also were able to take a Berry four generation family picture- we have so much to be thankful for!!
Wes, Great Grandma and Grandpa Berry, Kim, Kaleb and Grandpa Berry
After a busy 2 days of cooking, talking and hanging out we headed back home. I sat in the back with Kaleb on the ride home since he really, really, really does NOT like the car seat. I'll never forget when we got to the last stop sign before our house, the one just a block away on Tilford ... all of a sudden Kaleb stopped playing and started looking around. By the time we got to our alley (just 1/2 a block) he was kicking and waving his arms and squealing. He knew he was home! He loves being home and we love having him home!!
Suddenly, it was December and all the craziness that that involves. This one was even crazier it seemed. The weekend after Thanksgiving, Mom and Ashley came out for our annual 'Christmas Shopping Extravaganza' AND we redid our bathroom that weekend. The guys worked and us girls shopped- gotta love that deal. I hate to admit it but.. our tub/shower surround started out looking like this- doesn't look so bad from afar. But, upclose... it was old and yucky and the faucet hadn't actually turned completely 'off' for like a year.
Thanks Adam K- you're awesome!!
Wes and the nearly complete new, clean, deep soaker tub and surround!!!
And... the final product-
Suddenly, it was mid-December and Christmas was fast approaching! Yikes! Although we were deep into procrastination, we managed to have a friend snap a family photo after church one Sunday.
Our Christmas celebration brought LOTS of family on both sides of our family to our home. There was much paper ripping, Grandma loving, cousin playing and spoiling all around. The Roth B&B definitely had a full house but oh, it was fun!
Lots of Big Game Hunter and Wii
More Roths- Kaleb met even more people :)
The Roth Grandkids- lookin' good I'd say!
Sarabeth & Kaleb
Than & Kaleb
"I LOVE WRAPPING PAPER"- Kaleb Abera Roth 12/24/11
Every 13 year old guy loves him some baby formula right...or an I-tunes card ya know!
He had the paper tearing figured out almost instantly.
Lots of raiding the fridge!
Then, we finished up our Christmas Eve with one of my favorite parts of the entire weekend- a quick trip to see the live nativity near Spearfish at the Spirit of the Hills Wildlife Sanctuary. It was precious and incredible. This really is going to be a family tradition- such an accurate and poignant reminder of where our world welcomed our Savior and Creator. It was complete with camels, wondering woolly sheep, doves, donkeys, a cow and a young couple with their newborn babe all snuggled into the barn.
On the way home, Sarabeth and Than rode with us. Wes and I were talking about the nativity when in the back seat I heard the quiet voices of Sarabeth and Than singing to Kaleb. Sweet little songs 'to keep happy' while we drove. Oh, we are so blessed! Life really doesn't get any better than this! Also, another very fun memory of that night was at about midnight or so listening to Sarabeth and Than giggle and giggle and giggle and giggle together playing a quick round of Wii. It was precious... the only sad part was that my video camera was in the same room as they or I would have captured their innocent happiness.
The Berry bunch...Christmas 2011!
(And, we got to finally meet Justin...what a nice guy!)
Every kid needs a sled for Christmas...thanks Grandma and Grandpa Berry :)
We truly have had a most blessed and incredibly wonderful Christmas season.
God is soooo very good and we are loving where he has us in life right now!
Although its a little late.. Merry Christmas everyone! God Bless and God's Best for you and yours!