This has been a great week- we've watched God's provision in lots of little and big ways. This week involved getting our physicals updated. Kaleb was sick with a stomach bug but thankfully by Friday afternoon, he was better and we got his physical completed. Afterwards, I needed to return a few things to Target. A few things didn't fit and another I had decided I could do without. So- I returned them. Then, against my will and while my heart was screaming 'don't do it'..... I turned around and walked out of Target without looking at or buying anything else. For the 30-something, mom who loves all things Target- this was shocking to myself, not going to lie! I turned around and left thinking- this is bizarre but I don't need anything else. And then, God orchestrated the why for such shocking behavior...I ran into a dear sweet lady from my hometown. We crossed paths in the parking lot as the wind was blowing and cars went swerving around us. After the quick- hi, how's Kaleb and a wave, we headed our opposite directions. Then, she called back to me. She said "here, I wanted to help you guys out" and handed me a crisp bill of generosity. What a blessing, what an encouragement. Ahh, so that's why God told me to just turn around and walk right out of Target. Its like He plans this stuff or something! :) Go God.
Which brings me to 'the pig'... This sweet little princess piggy bank joined our family about a month ago. Kaleb's been scouring the house for weeks now looking for 'monies' to put in the pig. Sometimes, its even my morning coffee money or what he finds from the bottom of the dryer. He gets soooo excited to go put his newly found money into the pig for his 'little sister from China'. This week, we've fattened up that pig quite a bit, the pay-off of discipline at Target, generous friends and Wes' mad skills at selling stuff online.
Thanks so everyone who has signed up for our Slam Dunk for Adoption- March Madness fundraiser! We're very grateful and appreciative. I've had someone ask about making donations larger that $10 so I added a new Paypal button on the right hand side bar. Enter the amount of your choice, if that works better for you. Again, we're so appreciative!
This past week has been full of progress- physicals are done and we know that the FBI office charged our credit card on Friday. That means, they've opened the envelope and hopefully are processing it very soon. Please, please, please pray that we get our FBI background checks soon.
This upcoming week- we'll have our in home visit for our home study on Wednesday. Then, Renee will be able to write up our home study. This week we'll especially be praying for:
1. Our FBI background checks to be returned.
2. For the home study writing and approval process to go quickly.
Thank you, thank you to everyone for the love, prayers and support- we're incredibly grateful for the family and friends all around us!
Thanks so everyone who has signed up for our Slam Dunk for Adoption- March Madness fundraiser! We're very grateful and appreciative. I've had someone ask about making donations larger that $10 so I added a new Paypal button on the right hand side bar. Enter the amount of your choice, if that works better for you. Again, we're so appreciative!
This past week has been full of progress- physicals are done and we know that the FBI office charged our credit card on Friday. That means, they've opened the envelope and hopefully are processing it very soon. Please, please, please pray that we get our FBI background checks soon.
This upcoming week- we'll have our in home visit for our home study on Wednesday. Then, Renee will be able to write up our home study. This week we'll especially be praying for:
1. Our FBI background checks to be returned.
2. For the home study writing and approval process to go quickly.
Thank you, thank you to everyone for the love, prayers and support- we're incredibly grateful for the family and friends all around us!
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