- You like carrots and sweet potatoes. Peas are ok. Green beans are uggh.
- You've graduated from the 1-2 diapers to size 2. You are a Pampers Baby Dry baby. Snugglers= floods and just aren't cool for this dude anyways.
- You met your first doctor on Tuesday. She was kinda weird. We've got a better place lined up... no worries little man.
- 1st shots were horrible. You screamed and screamed and screamed. Sorry you were scared and were afraid and hurt a bit too I'm sure.
- On Wednesday, you got to meet Great Grandma and Grandpa Berry. Ohh, it was fun! Which involved his first restaurant experience in which he literally flirted with the entire place. Lots of waitresses stopped by. Grandma Berry got lots of giggles and smiles and wiggly sweetness out of you that night!! He definitely charmed the entire place :)
- Today, we went to church for the first time as a family of three. We finally migrated to the 'Reserved for Families with Children' tables and everyone was thrilled to see you. We played it cool in the back and snuggled through our first church service. You did great! - On Tuesday, you weighed 14.8lbs. and measured 25.5" long at your 6 month check-up. Pretty sure you've gained about 1.5lbs since we've been together as a family.
- You're officially a squirmer. Rolling over is fun but, squirming can get you were you want to go. Mobility is just around the corner little man!
- We've spent LOTS of time playing this week. The playmat is doing wonders for your strength training and the bumbo is lots of fun...especially when watching your first world series : ) Thanks Dad for finally tracking one down at ToysRus!
- Your sweet baby hair curls are definitely making their appearance. When we picked you up, you only had two sweet little curls on the back of your head. Now, you've got a headful and lots more on the way.
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