On July 28th, 2011 we stood before the Ethiopian adoption court judge for our court date. We were up a little earlier than usual that day. I had thankfully acquired the ability to sleep through the neighborhood rooster and the morning prayers of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Wes on the other hand, slept even less between the rooster, prayers and thunderstorms. That day, it didn't matter how sleepy we were. After breakfast, we loaded up the van with the other families to head for the court building. We were one of the first groups to arrive so we took a seat in the waiting room. The room filled up with adoptive families, their agency workers and a few birthparents. That was the hard part of the day... Every adoption involves hardship and difficulty within the story of how a child's final family is formed. The few birthmothers in that room looked so very weary and their unwavering eyes just starred off to a far away place. It had to be intimidating and difficult beyond anything we can even imagine. As we sat there, I just prayed for peace in their hearts, hope for the future and understanding that their children will be dearly loved in their future homes. Our son's birthfamily wasn't there that day- he had lived the day a week before.
So we sat there, a mix of families on both ends of the adoption process. The office worker would call out orphanage names and then families with children there would come forward. Finally, it was our turn. We entered the judge's office and took a seat. She is a beautiful younger, very professional and regal looking woman. After asking us a handful of questions she came to the last one. She said, "Are you aware that this decision is final, are you sure you want to adopt this child?" And, we said yes. It was simple and beautiful. Want to know what adoption is all about- its about saying yes to a child. That's it. The paperwork, the waiting, the rules, the changes, the heartache, the uncertainty- that's not what its about. Those are man-made side effects required of the process. Its about saying yes to God when He calls your heart and yes to the child who steals your heart. Praise the Lord, we're so incredibly blessed!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful way to describe this!
ReplyDeleteAmen and Amen!