We were thrilled this morning to receive an update on our little guy! He is so incredibly cute- like, I can't even explain it. He's smiling and you can tell he's laughing...oh, how sweet. He hasn't gained much weight but he looks well so, we're content with that. We can't share his picture so, if you live nearby be sure to stop us. We're now armed with even more pictures : ) Still no news on the court date. Typically, we won't hear about that for a couple more weeks at the earliest.
Please continue to pray for Kaleb- may he continue to grow and develop well; that the caregivers' days go smoothly; and for the people working in the Ethiopian court system- may their work be efficient and highly productive. God knows our days...He knows the day in which we'll have the honor of meeting our little guy in person. Oh, our hearts can't wait but we will wait to see how God has our path laid out. Today, though- we're just thrilled to see a sparkle in those little brown eyes and a big toothless grin!!!
Thanks for the prayers, they are so greatly appreciated!! God Bless : )
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