"The Lord is good to those who wait for Him."
Lamentations 3:25
The old phrase/Bible verse 'good things come to those who wait' seems to be an unintended slogan for what at times can feel like large parts of my life sometimes. Ahh, but the cool thing about God is that- if you stick with Him long enough, it always turns out with a happy ending. Like any good story, there are normally some twists and turns along the way but you end up in an even better place than you thought possible.
Today is the anniversary of one of God's greatest 'happy endings' (well in my opinion anyways)- our 2nd wedding anniversary. Yup, that's us- we've made it all the way to the big #2. Oh, what a blessing its been these past two years.
Often times, our adoption reminds me of my life before meeting Wes and being 'matched' by God. The season of life before meeting was long; often very, very quiet and in reality no one but me and God really knew the journey of those days. It involved lots of conversations with God about timing, waiting, hoping, fearing it would never happen and lots of unknowns. Each time I tripped by a distraction of the heart- God refined me where I needed to be. Where He wanted me to be. Which I would respond back to Him with the grumblings of my heart then gratitude for His protection and guidance.
And, then, suddenly out of the blue- there was my answer. It was like God said 'Alright, here's your good thing you've been waiting for". There was Wes. Suprise, suprise- God only does perfect!! : )
Two years ago today, we gathered together in my little hometown country church where it all came together. It was a beautiful and blessed day. One of my favorite moments (there of lots, like any wedding day) was sitting at the piano, with my dress flowing all down and around us, with Wes at my side turning the pages. Together, with the people we loved, we sang out love songs to Jesus. And, it was sweet and precious and good. The Lord really is good to those who wait for Him!
Our journey to little Kaleb has felt long; often very, very quiet and in reality no one but us and God have really known the details of our journey. Today, marks our 10 month mark since our paperwork was sent to Ethiopia. The Lord has been good to us in revealing our little guy to us this past month. I just keep praying for all those still waiting and the list that just seems to be getting longer and longer and longer.
Tonight, after our dinner date to Applebees, I was sitting in our hammock while Wes was in the yard. The birds were chirping, a sliver of a silver moon was above and the leaves above barely caught a breeze. We're so blessed. Oh, God just match all those babies quickly so they too can experience their 'good thing' which He's got all planned out for them.
P.S. Happy Anniversary to my #1 page turner : ) Love you lots!