Friday, May 6, 2011

Number Nine

Well, here we are...month number 9. The best news of the day- we're heading across the state to go celebrate the coolest Aunt-to-be graduate from nursing school. We are so very proud of her!! Just keep praying for news of Baby Roth soon : )  We're back from our awesome weekend so here's our 9 Month update...

Waiting, waiting, waiting.  We’ve been officially ‘waiting’ for 9 months to see the Ethiopian child which God has already picked out for us.  Lately, it seems like the idea of actually getting a referral is starting to feel more like a dream than a reality.  You know, one of those things that you keep talking about and talking about and talking about but…you don’t run the world so, it’s basically out of your hands. Our referral is and always has been in God’s hands.  Wow, and no better place exists than there for our family to be molded from.  This months’ ‘distractionary’ activities have included State FCCLA, completing my boards, Easter in Laramie and putting a garden in the backyard.  Spring is here and another school year is almost done.  My brain is still very much in denial that its already May.  But, it is and here we are.  This week the April numbers were released and there were 6 referrals.  When I first typed that- I so wanted to say ONLY 6 referrals.  But, 6 lives will be forever changed!  They will have love and hope and comfort and the joy of family. 


  1. Happy Birthday early mommy-to-be!!! Can't wait for you to have a sweet little hug from a sweet little someone on future birthdays!!

    One of Your musketeer partners in mischief...

  2. Thanks so much for the joy you have brought into my life being my very best "Mother's Day" present. (In case some of you do not know it: Kim was our first child & was born on "Mother's Day"!! We are truly praying that SOON the Lord will bless you with the news of the reality of you will be "Mom" to precious Baby Roth. Love, Mom
