Monday, April 18, 2011

Let'er Roll!

This is exactly what my life has felt like for the last month or so.  These past few weeks have been especially busy with things constantly flying past me, needing attention.  Last Friday, I submitted my National Board Teacher Certification box for review and I left for a 6-day state FCCLA adventure the same day as well.  One current state officer, one in-coming state officer, a dozen chapter projects, one workshop, 24 candidate interviews, and a van load of 'stuff' later and well... we're on the down hill roll.  I think the conveyor belt has worn out and its time to call it good 'till next year. 
If only our adoption process could pick up the speed like Ethel and Lucy's chocolate conveyor!!  : ) Ahh, but in the mean time... I think I just need some chocolate! 


  1. ahh! Congrats :) That is a BIG DEAL!

  2. Yay to you for accomplishing that.

  3. Ok Kim!!! I looked this morning.... I know you are looking... another referral which makes you second on the list!!! I almost died when I saw that this morning!! SOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU and WES!!!
