Thursday, March 31, 2011

Movin' Past March...

Its so fun to see how and when people are thinking of you, Baby Roth!  This morning, my phone vibrated meaning I had a text.  And, this sweet pic was a great way to start the day off.  My mom and sister are visiting New York this week and they were at Rockefeller Center this morning.  And, they thought to find the Ethiopia flag!!!  How awesome it was so fun to see Grandma Berry-to-be with the Ethiopian flag! 
Today, also means that March is not our month.  Hmmm, kind of a theme here.  I can truly say that I absolutely CAN NOT believe how quickly this spring and school year is flying by.   Thank goodness because it helps to make the waiting go faster.  School is super, incredibly busy right now.  State FCCLA is approaching way too fast and my huge National Boards box is due the day we leave for state FCCLA.  Yikes, I've got more than enough to keep my brain 'occupied' while we sit near the top of the wait list. 
The good news within all of this craziness is that...the yard is turning green, spring showers are definitely here and our days until referral are in fact getting closer!  We did hear from our conference call that referrals are taking about 8-9 months right now for our age range.  This coming week, we'll hit 8 months.  But...(there's always a but, ya know), I'm putting less and less value into these estimates.  You see, when we hit 5 months- referrals were taking 6 months, when we hit 6 months- referrals were taking 7 months, we hit 7 months and now they've been taking 8 months.  So, hmmm, what are the odds that when we hit 8 months...referrals will hit 9 months.  Truly God only knows : ) So, I'll say it again- we sure do hope that April is our month.  Historically, April has been a great month for us.

A year ago tomorrow, we met with our social worker 'just to get some questions answered' because we were still 'deciding'.  Ha, looking back that meeting is a bit comical... we met our social worker in person that day.  We had our little notebook of questions and said 'we really hadn't decided for sure- just trying to make our decision'.  So, we hopped in the car, drove to Taco Johns (which is like 2 blocks away), ordered and sat down.  Actually, we didn't even get sat down when Wes said "I think we should adopt."  And, well- there we had it.  The only question left was, so like can we just go back and tell her we want to start like right now?  We took a deep breath, waited for the weekend to pass and Monday morning I called Renee to say.  Yes- we're in!!  And, oh what a journey its been ever since!


  1. I so feel like that, just when they say this is the time line everything changes! : )Praying it will be soon.

  2. I love that Grandma took that picture!! So special!! Thought of you all today, and am praying for some good news for you too! I know I felt bummed too at the close of March, but I am trying really hard to be upbeat and maybe April??
