Well, the fact that its 7:30pm means that in fact February is not our month to meet Baby Roth. Today has been a tricky one in our adoption journey. I think that both Wes and I can truly say that we both hoped very strongly and believed in our hearts that by the time that March hit- we would be working on travel plans and most importantly, starring at pictures of Baby Roth. Instead of of ordering crib bedding in pink or blue... I painted the downstairs bedroom grey this past weekend. Its a pretty color actually- clean, fresh and updated. It looks great, we love it but well, its just not the room I thought we'd be working on by now.
I've learned a lot in life about expectations. I try and try and try to become much much more realistic in my expectations and at times am on the verge of crazily avoidant of expectations. I've been known to say 'expect nothing, you won't be disappointed'...But, I am a planner, I am organized, I'm an optimist and I am hopeful. Which can really mess with a girl sometimes.
So, you know what that means- we need all of you, and anyone who you feel like sharing with, to step up our game in praying for our adoption, for Baby Roth and our journey through this process. Often throughout the day, we both pray for our child we've yet to meet. We know that lots of others do the same and we are so very, very thankful for those prayers on our behalf. The later our referral comes, the more complex our journey gets. It reminds me of Pastor Ron's sermon yesterday. He mentioned that for an engine to start there must be compression. Our timeline is starting to build and become more and more complex. There is more pressure from more directions related to more aspects of our lives. We are reminded that God has it all planned out...ugh, but if only he'd give us a heads up. We are reminded that in times of trial- to lift it all up to Him, our Sustainer.
Not to be too discouraging- we have learned of 2 infant referrals within the last 2 weeks. So, its great news to hear that referrals are picking up again as Bethany begins working with more/new agencies. We know our 'family day' is coming. Just like those crocuses out by the front porch waiting to bloom- we just have to wait for our bright sunshiney day when the time is right. In the meantime, I'm going to go plan my garden for this spring. We most definitely will have time for a garden this spring I'm thinking!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Inching Closer...
Ohh, yay for another referral on the boards! It has seemed to be a very long time since there has been an infant referral. So, it was so encouraging to see news that another sweet baby boy, only 2 months old, has matched with his forever family. So happy for them and... that we're just that much closer. I know we've been saying this for awhile but- every day, its a gettin' closer! Its my guess that there can't be much more than a handful of families who have been on the wait list longer than us. Oh, we can not wait to know just who Baby Roth is! Please, keep praying for Baby Roth. We can't wait to meet you!!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Some of you may be sick of hearing about us and our shoes but... can't help but showcase all that God has done in our little project to collect shoes for the orphans of Ethiopia. Since last week, we've had so many encouraging words and comments from people both here and on Facebook.
But, we're not done- we've actually added 19 more pairs over the weekend.
Nine came from Mom and My's discovery of flip-flops for .75 and 'croc-shoes' for $2.49 a pair at Target on Friday!!! Then, one of my most favorite students ever, who unfortunately lives too far away now, randomly and surprisingly appeared in front of our house Saturday afternoon....with more pairs of shoes!! Brooke and Lyndee are some of the sweetest, best kids out there. It was great to see Brooke (my favorite North Dakotan) even if it was just for a few minutes!
So- that brings our 'little shoe project' total to
a whopping 181 pairs of shoes! YIKES!!!
We have since starting to seriously start to ask ourselves
...how will we HAUL 181 pairs of shoes to Ethiopia?
Over the weekend, I filled a 32 gallon rubber tote full of shoes- it weighs 62 pounds and is probably roughly 1/2 the shoes. Good thing we've got access to 2 jumbo suitcase with wheels!!
In other news...we are anxiously awaiting to hear what the February referral numbers are. I spoke with our social worker today and the good news is that our agency is partnering with three more orphanages. One of which is already providing some referrals. We are very much hoping and praying that with these new orphanage partnerships more children needing families will be able to be matched and placed soon. Please, please we appreciate any prayers that these children needing families, plentiful food, safe shelter, clean water and health care can soon be matched with families who are so very eagerly waiting to meet their children. We just keep praying that our day to 'meet' Baby Roth will be soon. We are so very anxiously waiting to see 'Bethany' pop on the caller-id and for that 'Roth Family Referral' subject line in an email from our social worker!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
A Most Wonderful Day...
Today is one of those days that I'll never forget in our journey to bring home Baby Roth. A day filled with a bounty of blessings beyond what we could have even imagined. As a Family and Consumer Science Education teacher, I'm also an adviser for the student leadership organization of FCCLA. The last few weeks have been incredibly busy preparing for today's district meeting. We have the district chairperson/state officer this year, we had a candidate for state office, we had kids giving presentations, we had chapter responsibilities....I had lots on my mind. So, this morning during the opening general session I'm looking for a certificate when suddenly I hear... "Mrs. Roth, will you please come up to the stage"...(I'm not supposed to be on the stage, what is going on??)
Since the district officers have now stopped talking and everyone is looking at me, I scoot on up to the stage wondering just what exactly is going on. As I walk onto the stage I hear... "Mrs. Roth and her husband are currently in the process of adopting a child from Ethiopia......they are currently collecting shoes to be donated the orphans of Ethiopia when they travel to adopt their child".
By this time, my whole body just went all tingly and my heart just couldn't keep it all in. You see, its a very surreal thing to hear someone else give voice to your heart's mission and our heart desire to become a family. My journey to becoming a mom. Ah, so no matter how hard I tried well... my throat was tightening and I could just barely, barely hold myself together.
Then I heard...(or something like this as I was a mess at the time)
".... we have collected these shoes for you to be given to the children of Ethiopia." And suddenly, 1/2 of the room stood and began walking on to the stage. A basket appeared out of somewhere and landed in my hands.
And, one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one one by one by one by one...
they each placed a pair of shoes into the basket. And I lost it. The tears started, (and I am NOT a crier) the shoes piled up and soon we were piling them on the floor too. I was blessed beyond words. Beautiful blessings I didn't even know of which had been asked for on our behalf. 50 Pairs. 50 children will be protected from disease, fungi, raw sewage, cuts and the hard muddy earth below their feet. If you're following the tally...this brings us to 162 pairs of shoes! WOW!! We are so very, very grateful and honored to haul these across the ocean and literally half way around the world. I promise we do and will count it all joy to bring these blessings to all those little Ethiopian kiddos!! To my fellow FCCLA advisers, their chapter members, parents and whoever else contributed to this 'little' scheme to bless us beyond words- thank you. Thank you to some true Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. As I rode the bus home tonight, I couldn't help but realize that this little shoe project is the perfect example of what the core of FCCLA is all about. We're all about strengthening families and communities. Today I've never felt more loved by my District 9 FCCLA community. In these quiet days of waiting for our referral, oh what a blessing to have a day of good news to share. A day of affirmation in our journey. You all will never know how much good you did my heart today. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Special thanks to Brigitte and Emma for making this possible- you're both wonderful and thanks again!
Oh, ya...the kids did great. And, we've got next year's state officer so we're going to Disney Land!! :) As Wes would say...our cup overfloweth!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Cute, Cute, Cute!
Ohh, we've got more shoes! Thanks to Uncle Keith, Aunt Carol, Alexis and Eri- our shoe total is now up to a whopping 112 pairs : ) How amazing! I would have never guessed we would get this many and we don't even have our referral yet! Check them out- aren't they stylin'?
It has been so encouraging this week to hear from so many people who are praying for Baby Roth and us! Its bizarre how suddenly within a day or two so many people will ask about you Baby Roth. The soon-to-be Aunt Ashley (ohhh, I just LOVE writing that), dear friends from Virginia, kids at school, the school secretary and all sorts of 'random' people. There are so many praying for you little one. So many who are very, very anxiously waiting to hear just who you are. Thanks for all the prayers and keep talking to God about introducing Us and Baby Roth soon! Every day, its a getting closer...
It has been so encouraging this week to hear from so many people who are praying for Baby Roth and us! Its bizarre how suddenly within a day or two so many people will ask about you Baby Roth. The soon-to-be Aunt Ashley (ohhh, I just LOVE writing that), dear friends from Virginia, kids at school, the school secretary and all sorts of 'random' people. There are so many praying for you little one. So many who are very, very anxiously waiting to hear just who you are. Thanks for all the prayers and keep talking to God about introducing Us and Baby Roth soon! Every day, its a getting closer...
Monday, February 7, 2011
A good reminder...
This was linked on my favorite adoption blog...
what a sweet reminder that in end, babies really do come home
and families are together and we all find our nest...
Sunday, February 6, 2011
6 Months

A year ago today, we were celebrating a whopping 8 months of marriage. We were praying earnestly that our journey to becoming parents would begin however, we didn't yet know when or how God had that next phase of life all planned out. We knew that our desire was to have a family and, we were open to however God desired us to go about creating the family He has planned for us. Little did we know a year ago just how perfectly God was finalizing His preparations for our family journey to begin! Oh, 'we know that God causes all things to work together for good to whose who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose'- Romans 8:28. A year ago, it was in these next few weeks that God began to whisper into our hearts His plan to create our family through adoption first. It was during these next few weeks that God began to gently say 'well, why not now?'
So, here we are- 6 months of waiting. And, we are thrilled to be where we are. We really feel and it is our prayer that we're on the cusp of our referral. Today in church, I was again reminded that God is continually working out His plan even if we can't see that progress. Much of the past few months have involved watching our names move up 'the list'. And, now we're in the top handful or so waiting. We've watched many families be matched with children whose paperwork was completed much after ours. And, along the way, I'm starting to realize that its less about 'the list' and more about our family. Not about (a) baby roth and us. Its about Baby Roth and us and God.
In the meantime, we think we've knocked out the 'getting ready for THE call' list- we've finalized the name list, the camera's ready, the video camera is charged and we've got a 'when we get the call' plan. During the day, Wes and I are 60 miles apart at work. So, we've worked out the how and what to hopefully make sure we can be together when we see those first pictures of our little one. And... because there is NO way I can wait with that email sitting in my inbox all day!! We just keep praying for the Baby Roth, his/her birth family and that God brings us together soon.
And, just for the fun of it- check out the cute caterpillar I picked up for Baby Roth this week! Too fun to pass up and only $5 :)
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