We've made it to month 5 in the race to meet Baby Roth! This past month has been very busy with the usual Christmas activities, travel, shopping, baking, Christmas activities and a few distractionary projects around the house. Its been a great month- we're so very blessed by such a wonderful family, friends, a wonderful church and lots of God's grace! We're hopeful and optimistic that we're rounding the corner in our wait. We're not quite to the finish like of waiting for a referral....but, we think, hope and pray that it's just around the corner! Looking at the discussion boards, there are probably about a dozen or so in-front of us out of a pack of probably around 50 or so. However, since referrals take place based on what children become available, there realy is no telling when that wonderful call will come. The December numbers just came out and it looks like 8 referrals were made last month. Yay- for 8 little ones who will have a future filled with the love and hope of family!!! Most months there are about 16 referrals with the children being of all ages.
We're so very, very thankful to everyone who has been keeping Baby Roth and us upheld in prayer. We truly can feel God's grace as we've been learning to 'wait well'. Making it to 5 has had its moments when its felt like a handful...but, we're getting there! Oh, and God- we'd totally be fine if we didn't make it to the '6' blog post and instead were sharing news of our referral!!!!!!!! Like the little kid song goes... 'He's got the whole world, in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands". So, till we meet you Baby Roth, we know you're in good hands!! Oh, but we can't wait to meet you : )
P.S. Happy Ethiopian Christmas! Today is the day Ethiopians around the world celebrate the birth of the little baby Jesus so long ago.
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