Last winter was when God began quietly whispering the idea of adopting into both Wes and my hearts. But, really I think our family's journey began a long time ago- over 20 years ago to be 'exact'. I believe, it was 20 years ago this past June that our cousin Katie joined our family. She was born in Guatemala and welcomed to her forever family by my Aunt Donna when she was just a toddler. I don't have many pictures of when Katie was little but here is one of Donna, Ashley, Katie, Grandma & Dad visiting the zoo. Wow- that was a long time ago- look how little they are!!
I'll never forget the day we met Katie. The cousin we had prayed and prayed and prayed for. Katie, we loved you long before we met you. We loved you just the same as if you were born into our family the old fashioned way. Finally, the day came- the day we got to meet Katie! I remember Ryon and I staring out his north facing bedroom window waiting to see a speck of a car come over the drive-way horizon. It seemed like it took forever but, finally- there it was! We whipped around, went screaming down the hall yelling 'KATIE's HERE'! I don't really remember stopping for shoes as we flew out the front door, jumping in the yard, shouting with joy. They crossed the railroad tracks and we couldn't contain ourselves anymore- we took off running down the drive way for the car. And, there she was. We were thrilled! In the weeks before Katie came home, I remember Mom and I talking about what we should get her as a shower gift. We wanted something that she could use for a long time, something special. So, a few weeks after first meeting her, we held a 'Welcome Home Shower" for Katie. Growing up, all three of us kids loved our little kid rocking chair. So, we decided that Katie needed one too. Well, this past weekend we had the opportunity to have lunch with Donna & Katie. It was a wonderful time and so great to hear they're doing so well. And, the most special moment of it all- was when Donna mentioned the little rocking chair. They talked had been talking the rocker and decided, it needs to stay in the family....
So, we are honored that Baby Roth will get to enjoy Katie's little kid rocker. What a special and meaningful family heirloom to pass along to the next generation. Thank you Katie! And, thank you Donna for leading the way. And, most importantly- Praise the LORD that Katie's a part of our family. We'll take good care of the little rocker!!

That is so special. It brought me to tears. Am thrilled that our experience didn't discourage you from adopting. Katie read it on Monday (her 22nd birthday) and commented "that is my best present. I love you Kim"