Sunday was Mother's Day! Kim's parents came up for church and lunch to help celebrate the day. We had a great time catching up and just sitting on the deck in the warm sunshine.
Tuesday was a great day for two reasons- it was Kim's 30th Birthday and....we had our first homestudy interview. Our interview/talk with Renee went wonderfully! We are continually reminded and so grateful to be working with a Christian agency. Its nice to work with someone who appreciates and supports the importance of raising a child in a God centered home. The questions were great topics to discuss and to be prepared for as we grow into our role as future parents. Wow- what a crazy sentence that is....
And, as for the big birthday.... it was a great day! I was truly spoiled- flowers arrived at work, kids at school baked me brownies, and so many friends and family sent their well wishes. Wes even baked me a birthday cake and we celebrated our exciting day with dinner at Red Lobster. Gotta admit, I just love their coconut shrimp and Wes even got a bunch of shrimp with grill marks! Thanks to some gift cards, dinner was even free! Thanks Uncle Steve and Bob & Bonnie
We were also excited to schedule the other three homestudy interviews. This morning (Thursday) Wes had his interview- he said it went great. And, I'll meet with Renee tomorrow morning at 10am. On Monday evening- she'll come up for our home assessment visit! We can't believe how quickly our interviews have come together. Thanks to everyone for praying for us, we really do feel that God is smoothing the path ahead of us in order for Baby Roth to be here before we know it.
At school, the kids did some fun cupcake decorating. They did a great job so I figured I'd share some fun pictures. Their favorites were the panda bears, pool balls, and fish bowls- all from some cupcakes and basic supplies.
According to the weather outside, it looks like summer begins tomorrow. So, it'll be a busy weekend of mowing, yard work, a few last minute house things, a wedding shower, Wes is probably running a 5k and who knows what all else. Its never boring around here but hey, we like it that way.
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