We are here. And, we are home. We've landed. Truly and fully home. Thanks for about 97 miles worth of packing tape, amazing family who helped, friends who helped, church family who swooped in to load and unload, one UHaul, two trailers and a horse trailer... we pulled off the big move! Thank you seems such a tiny phrase in response for all the help involved in making this happen. Once the boxes landed, we found ourselves finally... at home. A house we would have never envisioned. 106 years newer than our old place, with absolutely NOTHING on the exterior that can even be painted. It is beautiful and lovely and convenient and an answer to so, so, so many prayers!!! A place to rest and be. Oh, we are thankful and excited to see what God has set to unfold here at our new house.
Our first time in the house after closing :)
This boy took a little convincing.
You see, he loved his blue house.
But, once we convinced him we were going to take all our stuff with us...
he was cool with it. Sometimes in the crazy, we forget that the little 4.75 year old brain doesn't realize that 'moving' means taking your toys and blankets and snuggly bed and treasures with you.
Both kids are incredibly excited... the new place has a play room and a good backyard. Honestly, neither the playroom or backyard are exceptional or overly big. But they're so excited to have space to play and run. Basically our motivation for moving. Space to live and play and rest. We've already had play date offers and an invitation to dinner with friends. Little things that mean so much.
And, of course... we broke the house in right off the bat!
Wes brought home Chinese take-out and beings we couldn't find the silverware... we made 'do'.
Chinese food on the floor with tongs.
Life is incredibly good. So very good.
These past couple weeks have involved a lot of landing. So thankful for family for all their help including the crew from Greeley coming up to help and Wes' parents for helping with projects and entertaining the kids. We're already amazed at the friends that have stopped by and the neighbors we've met. The next street over has 17 kids on that block alone. The neighbors across the street have kids the same age as ours. The park is short-ish little walk down the street. The un-official 'welcoming lady' has stopped by with the dish on schools. We've landed indeed. And, we're loving it. Yesterday, the kids were playing the in back yard and Kaleb said "Mom, I love this park... its so big for running." Well, actually its just your backyard, doesn't even have grass yet but it is kinda big and flat and all yours.
It's good to be home...