Sunday, January 17, 2016


Oh, the fun of Christmas-time! 
Sledding on the Roth runner sled.  This one has hauled a lot of Roths over the generations!
 The Parade of Lights :) 
 Then, off to fetch a Christmas tree. 
With, Jesse of course! 

 Then, I had a work meeting close to Auntie's house.  
So, the kids hung out at Auntie & Justin's for a few days while I worked. 
Thanks to a healthy supply of snow... it was snowman building at its finest! 

 I think a Snow-Giant might be a better descriptor :) 
 Of course, at the Jasper household...a measly snowman just doesn't cut it. 
So, of course- you build a giant snow castle complete with a window and flags.  
Thank you to the local utility companies for sponsoring the flags this year... ;) 

 And, because we're never bored... our sweet little church Christmas program was the next weekend.  
A precious group of kids they are!  

Suddenly, it was Christmas Week! 

 My absolute favorite Christmas tradition... the living nativity!! 

 And, before we knew it... it was time to open presents! 

 Life is Good.  Very, very, very, very good. 
Praise the Lord! 

 Followed by Christmas #2 at the ranch...

 The spoilage is real people. 
 Of course, Uncle RyRy gifted Elsie with an ENTIRE CANISTER of gummy worms. 
As Elsie would say 'oh, boy'.  
 I think he had a little fun...
 Grandpa of course, thought Elsie needed her own make-up....
 And, we brought home somewhere around 26 canisters of play-dough.  
Literally.  A mom's dream, right.  Or, maybe nightmare? 
 But, the fun wasn't done yet! 
Christmas Extravaganza #3 was just around the corner.
Even more craziness!!!
 His very own Broncos jammies.  
The boy was thrilled.  Still is actually! 

 Oh, ya.  We gave gifts too. 
Like these giant hairy toe slippers.  

 And, because Wes' birth-month had begun by the time we finally ran out of Christmas parties...we celebrated his birthday as well :) 

 Good times were had by all!!!!!!!!!!!!