Wednesday, December 24, 2014

More Progress!

Again, we have good news!  This seems to be a growing trend and we're loving every moment of it. On Monday, we received our I-800 approval!  This means that the US government says we're qualified and have gotten the 'ok' to bring Elsie into the United States as our daughter.  No RFE's- praise the Lord!!  We've had our share of RFE's (requests for clarifications of information).  So now, the hard copy of the letter is in the mail heading our way.  And, because I found out about our I-800 approval on Monday, our agency was able to send our final paperwork to China yesterday (Tuesday) before they closed for Christmas.  So, what's next?  Our immigration approval will get passed along to the next agencies then we'll be able to fill out one more form.  Once all that is complete, we'll have what is called our 'Article 5' packet drop off.  Two weeks later, they'll pick up our Article 5.  Then.... we wait for travel approval.  Yikes!  This is going fast!! Once we submit our Article 5 packet, which could possibly happen next week- I think I'd say we've made it to 3rd base so to speak.  The next steps are what we would consider pretty predictable regarding time frames so my guess is that we'll travel about the last week of February or the first week of March.
We've been super busy keeping track of all these constant paperwork steps, Christmas prep, wrapping up the semester at school and getting Elsie's room ready for her :)  It's pretty sweet!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

LOA & We made the Plane!

This afternoon/evening was what we would consider a 'whirlwind' of accomplishment.  I left Belle by 4:05 after picking up Kaleb and headed south.  With a UPS truck tailgating me the whole way... I very quickly stopped at the house to snatch the UPS package off the front porch then, took off for Rapid.  In the packet was the official letter from our child's homeland stating they had approved us for her adoption.  

Yay!!  I landed in Rapid just before 5:00 with a 'starving' Kaleb who was demanding of course.... Cheetos.  Um, that wasn't happening.  So, when you can't swing the coveted Cheetos- you obviously go to Wendy's for a small chocolate frosty :)  Then, when you go to pay.... the guy hands you a LARGE chocolate frosty and says 'oh, sorry- thought it said large' to which I reply, 'oh, my three year old will just love this' while by brain panics slightly thinking that I'm about to hand Kaleb a LARGE chocolate frosty as his distraction-ary device while we're blazing through I800 packet at the UPS store with our newly arrived LOA letter.  We're to the UPS Store by 5:12 and Wes walks in a minute later.  Immediately, they inform us that we have 2 minutes before the overnight delivery mail leaves. What???? However, they then tell us that the truck that drives it to the airport leaves the UPS distribution center in 'the valley' at 5:45.  Yikes.  Time to panic but there's no time to panic.  The instant the clerk tells me that, I rip open our LOA packet and Wes walks in the door.  Within 15 minutes, we've officially signed our acceptance of Elsie, sorted through the packed, signed all the I800 spots, and dates and printed names; made copies, put it into order, checked, double checked, paper clipped it and made a final copy.  I hand Wes the pile of papers and send him running out the door to drive it all out to the distribution center 4 miles away through 5'o clock traffic to find the distribution center on a little random road.  He took off and I paid for our copies, explained the purpose of our frenzy, wiped up a moderate amount of Wendy's chocolate frosty, reassembled the UPS store from Kaleb's 'helping' and walked out to the car..... to pray.  Pray he'd make it in time, pray for green lights and gaps in traffic and for 'it' to make the plane.  Prayed for a little miracle in getting our papers on that plane so our little girl can come home as quickly as possible!  

And HE MADE IT!!!!  Wes walked in with just a minute or two to spare.  The lady made his shipping label pronto and literally handed the package to the truck driver as he walked out the door for the airport.  Thanks to God, a rock-star husband and the crazy abilities of overnight delivery our I800 will be in Texas by 9:30am our time tomorrow morning.  This step looks to be taking about 3 weeks right now however, at the rate things are going... I'm starting to tell myself I'd better get ready sooner than later.  To celebrate- we met back up at good 'ole Blaze Pizza (Wes' favorite) for a great meal celebrating the fact we've officially got a daughter waiting for us!! God is so good :)  

Thursday, December 4, 2014

E is for....

“A good name is to be more desired than riches”
- Proverbs 22:1

A good name.  It is such a responsibility and honor when God blesses one with a child.  I remember when we were still in the ‘dreaming of the day we’ll be parents’ phase of life.  It was the summer of 2010 and our house needed painted.  We spent an intense weekend moving scaffolding and perfecting our ‘cut and roll’ system as a couple.  Which meant we had lots of time to talk…. and, dream.  I bet we discussed hundreds of names that weekend.  And, two stuck.  Only two.  A year later, we would welcome our Kaleb.  But, we knew and prayed there would be at least one more.  One more to bestow that second name. 

But, finding her would be a battle and heart cry in so many ways.  Kaleb came home in October of 2011.  Since then, God has walked us through a journey which has often been silent for large chunks of time.  A journey that involved a lot of ‘no’ answers leaving us kinda shaking our heads thinking… why is it so hard to simply add a child to our family. 

But, God has a plan.  He always does! Elizabeth in the Bible walked a quiet journey in which I am sure she stood looking out a window thinking ‘why is it so hard to simply add a child to our family’.  But, she was steadfast.  It says in Luke… “they were both righteous in the sight of God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and requirements of the Lord”.  I was reading the other day, and loved this explanation of how Elizabeth walked the path God had set before her…. If Elizabeth would have given up on God and His plan, she would have set aside and charged past the role God had all planned out for her.  She would have missed out where God needed her to be.  In the midst of her journey, I’m sure it didn’t all make sense.  But, once God’s timing was right- the blessings unfolded.  It may not always make sense but never cease trusting Him. 

We are sooooo incredibly thrilled that God has brought us our daughter!  Trust us, the journey has been filled with detours, direction changes, delays, quiet seasons with resounding ‘no’ answers to prayer and a lot of faith building.  But in the end, God has blessed us.  The name Elizabeth means “fullness of God”.  We are so blessed by the fullness of God in our lives.  We are blessed indeed. 

So, with that….we’re excited to name our daughter in honor of Elizabeth from the Bible.  But, with a little twist.  Way back when we painted the house, our hearts prayed there would be an Elsie.  The name Elsie means “the abundance of God”.  We are in awe and thanksgiving when we think of the abundance of God which has brought us this little girl.  There are so many blessings, miracles and praises which brought us here.  Little Elsie Roth will be our reminder of God’s abundance and His perfect timing, provision and plan.  We love you already, sweet baby girl! 

China Approves!

Today, was another day of miracles in our process of bringing home our daughter!  Yesterday, our letter of intent to adopt this sweet baby girl was officially uploaded into the government database.  After the letter is uploaded families wait between about 7-14 days to receive their approval.  We got ours in ONE day.  ONE DAY.  And, that's when we scream from the mountain tops "GO GOD"!!!!!!!  What this means is that her homeland has approved our family to adopt her- the daughter God chose for our family.  We are thrilled!!!   It will now be mailed to our agency and then they will overnight it to us.  Please be praying that it moves quickly through the mail so we can move on to the next step soon!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Start Spreadin' the News...

As God would have it... the timing of our referral allowed us to personally share the news with both sides of our family.  This is in fact a miracle considering our relatives all live over 120 miles away with most of them a 5+ hour drive away.  While at the ranch, we made up some story about getting Kaleb changed for the day.  Well, what we were really up to was setting him up to share the news of his little sister :)  We snuck back down the hall while everyone was still hanging out after breakfast.  Kaleb went to show Gamma his little sister on the tablet.  It went something like this....

Oh, the joy!!  I'm pretty sure there were even some tears, definitely some squeals and loads of excitement!!! 

Then, just a few days later- we headed to Laramie.  We made a quick stop before we got the house and got Kaleb all dressed up in his 'Big Brother' t-shirt.  By the time everyone had mobbed together in the kitchen to greet us... Kaleb's t-shirt had been revealed and we handed him the tablet again :) 
The approach....
 Excitement builds...
 And, there she is :)  

We're so thankful for this little one!  Can't wait to have her home!!! 

Praise the Lord... :)

(hit play above & turn on your volume to fully bask in the awesomeness of this post... :) 

There are days in your life which you will never forget.  No matter how God chooses to build one's family...the days in which you meet your child are like no other.  Friday, November 21st at 6:49- I was buying coffee at Common Cents.  I hopped in the car with my 20 ounces of Dark Roast awesomeness.  Got onto interstate and glanced at my phone.  Missed call- uggh, I probably forgot something at the house.  A second look....area code 616.  What?  The only area code I know in the entire nation other than South Dakota- is Michigan.  The only thing I care about in Michigan... is that our agency headquarters are there.  Instinctively, I call her back.  She answers.  My heart is pounding and waiting all at the same time.  The greatest of great news- they have a little girl whom they'd like us to learn more about.  Oh, my goodness!!  Wes is texting me "PRAISE THE LORD- did you get a phone call!!!!".  They actually had called the house first... so Wes got the thrill of seeing the Bethany Caller ID and feeling the knotted freaking out anticipation in your gut when that phone call comes.  I'm calling him, Kaleb's eating a peanut butter with chocolate chip smothered cinnamon waffle and I may or may not have checked my email about 43 times across the next 27 miles driving to school.  In the middle of it all... my sister is trying to call me to discuss spotting scopes at Scheels.  Ha, she had no idea ;)  By a miracle of God, I managed to keep the car on the road all the way to Belle. Dropped off Kaleb at daycare and hauled it up to my classroom.

Wes was still home so the plan was to open the file and pictures at the same time since there was absolutely NO WAY I could make it through the day without peeking!  Computer is loading at what felt like the slooooooooooowessssssssttttttttt possible way.  Computer is finally up and running.  Students start bringing their computerized dolls back.  Ahhh, all I want to do is read about my daughter.  After the first kid, I actually told the kids to just leave the babies in the hallway.  I chopped their wrist bands off at the door and said 'have a great weekend' ;)  Ya, nominate me for teacher of the year I tell ya!  Anyways... I finally found myself locked in my classroom in quiet with Wes on the phone and we learned of our daughter.  She is a chubby cheeked little 15 month old little girl :)  All that, before 8am on a Friday morning.  That's how we roll- or, actually, that's how God rolls.

She is beautiful and precious and lovely and exactly whom God chose for our family.  We can't wait to meet her in person and to have our family together.  Oh, my we are love :)  Kaleb is completely and totally in love with his little sister and very proudly has been confirming with friends, family and sometimes strangers too... that he is a big brother.  These two are going to have a blast together!!!

We've waited what feels like a long time for our daughter to be revealed. We quietly started this journey to welcome home a sibling in January of 2013.   As I sit here, I can now see so clearly how God's timing and plans are again always perfectly orchestrated.  Praise the Lord, indeed.


November, sweet November.  We started the month wrapping up another crazy concession stand season.  After 243 lbs. of popcorn...needless to say I'm kind of popcorn'd out and I'm pretty tired of smelling like popcorn oil.  Once we caught our breathe from that, before we knew it November has half gone and Thanksgiving was right around the corner.  Fall is so busy, it seems like we have no time for 'fun'.  November is the month that has turned all of that around :)
First stop... the ranch for an early Thanksgiving and our annual deer hunting weekend.  Always a great time!  Although we really missed Uncle Justin's craziness, we still managed to have a great time.
Checking cows, watching for deer & practicing our driving skills...
 Tractor Puzzles with Uncle RyRy...
 Snowman building, 
the beginning....

 Mr. Snowman complete with hair on his chest ;) 
 Auntie brought home three cute kitties...
 Break dancing in the drive way...

 Going 'tiger hunting'...aka...telling hunting stories and other assorted tall tales with Gamma, Auntie & Grandpa.  
 Having 'coffee' and talking about the weather and Christmas wish lists...
 And, of course smuggling treats with Gramma.  

We headed home after a great weekend, worked for two days then headed off to our next adventure...Thanksgiving in Laramie with even more grandparents & cousins too! 
Doing projects with Sarabeth & Grandma...
 Random arm wrestling matches...
P.S. The 'old' guy lost.  
 Then, Kaleb challenged a girl. 
And, lost.

 Mega giggle sessions with Aunt Jen...

Uncle Ryan tried to read... amid the CRAZINESS!
 Giggles, attack, chase, squeal.  
 Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. 

Then, sometimes... all out insanity breaks lose. 
If only you could see Bonnie laughing- it was great.  
Hysterical and great.

An incredibly blessed Thanksgiving indeed.  We truly are blessed beyond measure and have been granted more than we could have ever hoped for or imagined.