Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Puzzle Project Update...

 Thank you to everyone who has so generously given to our puzzle project in order to raise funds for our adoption.  We are incredibly grateful and deeply appreciate it.  Along the way, we have been amazed at how God has equipped and enabled our adoption through the help of our family & friends.  This month we've paid basically half of our expenses for this adoption.  Only in adoption are you excited to be at the point of paying big chunks of money ;)  Like you could buy a good car with the kind of money we let roll out the door this month.  And, it didn't even hurt- because it means we're another step closer to bringing home another little one to love on.  Kids over cars any day I say.  Thank you, thank you, thank you- to those who have walked along side us by supporting us financially and upholding us in prayer!  
Here is the latest on our puzzle building process... 
The following numbers are still available:

Currently, we have raised 36% of the 'value' of our puzzle and have sold a total of 34 puzzle pieces.  Please feel free to share and pass along to anyone who may be interested in helping bring home our next Ethiopian blessing. 
How does it work? Simply pick a number, then donate that amount using the Paypal button to the right or mail us a check. Need our address?  Leave a comment or email me.  
Thanks again! 

Many Blessings, from the Roths :)  

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Auntie's Party...the big Wedding Weekend!

Last weekend was the weekend we've all been waiting for since early May.  My (little) sister married the man who is such an incredibly great fit for her!

Ashley and Justin got engaged this past May at the top of the ferris wheel at the Navy Pier in Chicago.  Justin nailed the proposal and since then, its been wedding planning craziness ever since.  Last weekend, it all came together.  It was a wonderful time celebrating their new marriage with family and friends.   As we drove home last Sunday Wes asked me what my favorite part of the weekend was and, I said 'everything was so Ashley and Justin'.  And, if you know either of those two... you know that means it was filled to the brim with family & friends.  It was super classy with a little wild and crazy thrown into the mix.  The music was loud, dancing was fun and cupcakes were super d'lish.  What a beautiful couple and beautiful day... we love you both!

A little pampering before the big day...
 The Moms :) 
 We started on Monday with a blank room, no lighting, tables or anything set up.  
By five o'clock that evening, we were set to party!  Beautiful indeed!!!

 The first dance...
 Dad and Ashley dancing...
 Then, everyone got into the fun! 
 Kaleb with Aunti Ashley and Uncle Justin :) 

 Family Fun!

What a fun great having Justin join our family!
We can't wait to see what God has in store for your life together.  

Week in a nutshell...

Sometimes life is just crazy.  Sometimes you never know what you're going to get.  Just so we don't forget the twists and turns we go sailing through as a family...
1.  Wes endured fasting for 40 hours in preparation for a colonoscopy. He toughed it out with a good attitude to boot.  Praise the LORD, all is clear and everything is normal.  This was purely precautionary based on recent changes in family medical history.  So thankful that all is well.
2.  It was homecoming week at school...if you've ever been a teacher, you know the crazy that abounds during homecoming week!
3. Then, there was the day I went to drop off Kaleb at daycare to find our daycare provider was MIA.  Definitely a stress inducing piece of info at 7:25am when you are supposed to be at work at 7:30.  Most mornings, by 7:30 coffee fixes most things.  Coffee was not going to fix this.  Off to the big huge daycare hoping they can keep him for the day.  After doing a little research, I discovered she literally skipped town with two of her kids.  Note to self... when interviewing child care providers investigate their marital stability and flight risk. At which point, I wanted to install the following in my classroom:

Because God never fails.  Never ever fails...He provided a new daycare provider by the end of the day. State approved, kids playing together relatively quiet, small-ish, in-home, awesome outdoor play area and she had one spot left.  And, she promised me she'll be home Monday morning when I knock on the door :)  Always a bonus! Go GOD!!

God provides
4. That same day, we found out we have to re-do a paper for our adoption paperwork.  We have to re-do a paper that had made it all the way through Michigan, to Washington, DC to the State Department...only to discover that the South Dakota Secretary of State Office typed the wrong name on the state seal cover page.  (grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)  We were hoping to hear that our paperwork had been sent to Ethiopia either this Friday or next Friday.  Well, instead we got the 'there is an error' message.  Not fun to hear at any time, especially on the same day that #3 on the list above occurred.
As usual- because God never fails, we tracked down a notary yesterday at the bank.  Another Power of Attorney form has been signed, notarized and Wes will send it overnight to Pierre and they will get it to Michigan so they can send it back to D.C.  Never boring I tell you, but thanks to God we get it all done.

Needless to say, life's been a little hectic.  Grateful that Friday afternoon.  In the midst of all the Friday drama- it was homecoming Friday at school!! What a fun day- especially since Kaleb got to come to the pep rally with me.  Then, we hit up the parade where we scored some candies.  The highlight for Kaleb was the marching band- the kid absolutely loves music!!

This weekend has been filled up with catching up.  Re-stocking the house with groceries, making homemade salsa from the garden, baking cookies, what turned into a date night watching Blind Side & eating popcorn, a nice big hot breakfast together as a family, a few good old-fashioned home cooked meals and checking off some little yet very good to-do items.  And that was just Saturday for the most part.  A fun part of our weekend included checking out our latest family pictures... an excellent reminder that life is good and God has blessed us greatly!!
 The Roths- 2013
 The little man, who's more like a big kid each day.  
Love my guys...precious in so many ways!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Wyoming Wedding Fun

If you know us all, you know that life is full and busy and crazy sometimes. This past month has been full of road trips, weddings, back to school and some crazy days in between.  Time to catch up the blog has been short even though our adventures have been's an update. 
First up...Wedding Fun in Cheyenne- I was honored to be in the wedding of a former student of mine.  Although I met Stephanie as her teacher and FCCLA adviser-we have become friends and colleagues since then.  We now teach the same subject, we are both FCCLA advisers and have both been blessed by how God has laid out our paths even when it didn't totally amok sense.  What a blessed day to witness and take part in the kick-off to their married life together.
Not only did she marry a great guy...
She also got a quick initiation to the military.
Congrats 😊!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Another 32...

Another puzzle piece was sponsored this week- #32!  Thanks to Wes' friend Phil who drew the Eagles for the 32 pool last week.  Another $32 closer to reaching our goal of filling up the puzzle!  Thank you to everyone who has participated and helped bring home the next little Roth.  

Our Family Puzzle

The Puzzle Project

Families are made in all sorts of ways.  God fits us together according to His plan.  For our family, adoption is God's plan for building our family.  And, we truly are incredibly blessed and honored to have been chosen to walk this path.  Our Kaleb is a daily reminder of God's incredible provision as He has built our family.  We are incredibly excited to start the process to welcome another little one into our home again.   

Our next phase of family building will be a long haul.  But, it will be worth it!  It encourages us so much when people ask how our adoption process is going and keep us in your prayers.  As much we have been blessed through adoption, we know that not everyone will be called to  literally graft a child into their home and into their lives.  It is a big process full of waits, paperwork, logistics and lots of other random unknowns.  

Do you find yourself in the phase or point in life where you are clearly not called to adopt?  You're not alone- you're actually incredibly, super normal.  Only about 2-4% of families will adopt.  However... it is estimated that 60% of people have a close personal connection with adoption.  So, if you don't see yourself experiencing bio-metric fingerprinting, trans-Atlantic flights or taking malaria meds just to meet your next child... we've got an easier way to take part in bringing home another child in need of a family.  
  First would you pray for us?  Pray for the country of Ethiopia and all the workers and individuals involved with the adoption process?  Pray for the kids and babies waiting for loving, caring homes because there are no other options.  
Would you consider taking part in our Puzzle Fundraising Project?  
It is simple, easy and we would really, really appreciate it!  Here's how it works...
Step 1:  Pick a Number
Step 2:  Donate that amount to our adoption fund  =====>

Numbers still available: 


What number to pick? 
- Pick the year you were born
- The total age of all your kids
- How old you are
- Year you graduated from high school
- The best year of your life
- How many years you've been married
- How much you spend on coffee every month... scary, I know.  
- The amount currently in your change bucket
- or, any old random number you'd like.  If in doubt, just pick a big one ;) joking, well- kind of... 

 *Special Note: We are reserving #1-10 for kids to buy so they may take part in helping bringing home Baby Roth II.  But, if you're a kid- go for it! Thanks :) 

Recent Numbers taken: 
2- Kaleb Roth (because he's two and that's about how much money he has) 
5- Thanks!
6- Thanks to Kaleb's favorite 6 year old!  
(48) 50- RJNANS are the best!! 
(49)50- In honor of Brad's COMPLETE library of Guns N Roses cds.  
66- 33 Rocks & so do you two!
87- In honor of Grandma Kozitka, thank you so much.  
97- Anonymous 
98- Anonymous
99- Thanks for all the red balloons! 
100- In honor of chocolate chipper sundaes & lime chips.  Go Fish.  

How can you join in and come along side our family to bring home our next Ethiopian blessing?  
1.  Use the PayPal Button (to the right) to make your donation: Note- you DO NOT need a PayPal account.  Just a debit or credit card :) 
2.  Mail a check to us.  Email us if you need our mailing address.  If you do not have our email- please leave a comment and I will respond back to you.  Thanks!


 if you'd like, simply leave a comment at the end of this post saying which number you took.  Feel free to post your comment with or without your name.  I'll update the numbers above as frequently as possible.  

When we've completed the puzzle... we will put everyone's name who contributed into a hat and draw a winner.  

Winner will receive a $50 Outback Steakhouse Gift Card!