My "Month of Thanks" List...
(I'm doing it all at once because, well, you see- life is crazy)
1. My God
The one and only God. Wow- He does amazing things :)
2. My Husband.
You sir, are a rock star. A most blessed surprise I never saw coming. For making sure I've 'got everything'. For coffee money and always listening to my crazy ideas :)
3. My Kaleb.
God knew we needed each other and I am so thrilled to be your mom.
What a profound blessing you are in our lives!
4. My Dad.
Oh, the lessons I've learned from this man.
And, the crazy wacky adventures we've shared in our farmin' and ranchin' days.
5. My Mom.
Thanks for all you do!! Wow, you're an amazing Mom,
Grandma, teacher, cook, and lots, lots more!
You've taught me how to 'do life'. Thanks!
‘Fröhliche Danksagung’
6. My Brother... Ryon
For our hunting adventures. Random phone calls and your vision for always improving 'things'.
Kaleb says 'hi Uncle RyRy' :)
7. My Sister... Ashley
Best Road Trip Buddy in the WORLD! Heart of gold.
Awesome Auntie and fabulous friend. You are simply lovely :)
8. Grandma & Grandpa
Quiet faithfulness in God. And, a good dose of fun along the way.
I'll never forget Grandma's packed lunches & Grandpa's prayers before meal time.
9. Grandma Kozitka
Strength and Courage to raise 11 kids on her own.
Oh, ya- and, a dairy farm to.
My Family-in-Love.
10. Bob & Bonnie
For welcoming me. For raising a great guy who I got to marry.
And, for always lovin' on us and sweet encouragement.
11. Ryan & Jennifer
Tough as nails, you two are.
Four kids, a run with cancer, two full time jobs and lots of crazy in between.
You pull it off with style and still have lots of fun along the way.
12. NANS
Thankful for Cousin Week 2012. Can't wait to have you next summer!
You're all awesome :)
13. Our big ole' extended family.
Altogether that includes...
16 Uncles
16 Aunts
37 Cousins
and, 23 second cousins for Mr. Kaleb.
Praise the Lord for all 92 of you :)
And, now... for some of the random things in life I'm super thankful for...
(in absolutely no coordinated order at all!)
14. Common Cents Coffee.
It gets me there. Every morning and that makes me happy inside.
15. Hot Showers
Because not everyone has them.
And, they make my brain happy every morning.
16. An amazing church... Hills View- we love you!
17. Our Friends
Although our times together are few and far between it seems...
you're all quite remarkable!
18. Trips to the Ranch
Nothing beats fresh air, dirt on the boots and checking cows.
19. Washer and Dryer
... my goodness, how did those woman do it.
20. Our Home
Its warm and cozy and filled full of lots of love.
We have a lot of fun here, I tell ya!
21. The Little Things
Tickle wars on the couch. Blown kisses from Kaleb.
Homemade buttered popcorn.
Singing knees & toes.
22. God's Plan
Four years ago I would have NEVER, EVER imagined where/how God
had the next few years laid out. Talk about 180's and piles of blessings. Wow. Wow!
God Bless & Happy Thanksgiving!