First, we will receive from our social worker an email of information regarding our child's age, gender, social/family background, medical information and as much information as possible related to Baby Roth. Plus, we'll get at least one picture if not more! : ) We'll get a picture of a child that needs a home, a child that doesn't have a home...therefore, we need to be mentally prepared that the picture we get to pass along to family and friends very possibly won't be that of a chubby cheeked, smiley faced, all dressed up cute little babe. The other day, I read on a fellow Bethany family's blog that their referral was for a 4 month old baby boy who weighed 8lbs at the time. And, typically, once those small, little, babies get home to a family full of love, good food, clean water and good doctors, they grow super quick.
Second, Ethiopian law prohibits adoptive families from posting pictures of their prospective adoptive children online or to be electronically transmitted until after the child has traveled to America. So...what that means, is that we can't post to our blog or Facebook or anything like that until Baby Roth hits US soil. And, we can't send out a big mass email full of pictures either, stinky deal but, its for the best. We've just got to think that in the big picture.... we're gonna have years and years and years of pictures to share.
Third, just keep on praying for progress! Today at church, Pastor Ron reminded us that when we pray- we're talking to the creator of the universe.
We're talking to the Man..." who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and its offspring, who gives breath to the people on it..." Isaiah 42:5 Baby Roth will join our family because we, the three of us, are all part of the plan- His plan to build our family! Yay, can't wait : )